Saturday, January 18, 2014

Nursery December 2013 Newsletter

 During the month of December we will be spending a lot of time working on our Christmas songs; Twinkle Twinkle and Jingle Bells. We will also be learning about the color yellow and we will be reviewing the letters A-E. For self care skills we will practice putting on coats, gloves, mittens and other winter items. Books and songs include The Very Quiet Cricket and Row Row Row your Boat. It was nice meeting everyone at Parent Teacher conferences and I look forward to the Christmas concert.

Class Update
November was a fun month as we went to the Cake Factory, learned about triangles and squares, and made turkey artwork.  We are so glad to have a new student.  His name is QD.  QD enjoys art projects and is getting to know the other students. Stanley had a lot of fun playing with parachutes this month and kept trying to run underneath it. Mayu has learned the dance to our Christmas song and loves performing for us. Ronald enjoyed his time playing with the toy cars often during work time. Chloe loves playing on the toy horses and alligators in the jump room. Jessica and Katie have become very good friends and are often found holding hands and laughing together. Alexander seems to enjoy the block center the most but can be found at all of the centers as he really just loves exploring. Ashlee couldn’t wait to have her turn stirring the cake batter during one of our cooking lessons. Noah and Stanley have become good friends and can often be found chasing each other around the room. Selena is quite an artist and spent a lot of time on various coloring and art projects during the month. Florentina is becoming quite helpful in the classroom and helps make sure the younger kids are safe. Christopher has learned the words ‘please and thank you’ and uses them often. Everyone was excited to see Enya when she came back from her holiday, the classroom is not the same without her in it, although she was not interested in the turkey art project she did have fun playing house as usual. Vincent is speaking more and more English everyday and is becoming quite outspoken.

December Dates
December 12 Christmas Concert

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