Saturday, January 18, 2014

Preschool January 2014 Newsletter

Happy 2014 to all of you!!  For those of you who traveled over the holiday season, I hope you enjoyed your trips and welcome back!  It’s hard to believe that nearly half of the school year has gone by.  
The Christmas concert was a great success!  The children all did such a wonderful job singing and dancing.  They worked very hard to learn their songs and I think their hard work really paid off.
During December, we have continued learning about maps.  We made a population map of where everyone in our school comes from and compared America and China. 
The class has also almost mastered all of the alphabet letters so we will begin to move onto sight words during this month.

Class Updates 

Recently the class has learned about reading a book by using it’s pictures.  We have started reading to our Toddler friends and Lisa and Aston both did a wonderful job with their buddies!  Jules has begun asking many questions during our lessons, such as, does America have mosquitoes and zoos?  Nanding quickly picked up our Christmas dance during the short time she was at school, which showed such great dedication.  Kai has been making amazing constructions out of blocks.  Sometimes it’s a game, other times it will be a huge house, once it was even a car with wheels!  Ann and Riku have both really been enjoying our math lessons lately and have started really leading class participation in those lessons!  Lucas and Aston have taught me a lot about Superheroes and how important it is to have muscles and be strong.  The Cat and Dog Guided Reading books are some of the favourites in our room right now.  It is also nice to see that the class remembers friends who have left the school, such as Jacob, Koki, and Shota, whom often get brought up in our discussions about maps and different places in the world. 

Two Little Blackbirds
Two little blackbirds sitting on a hill,
One named Jack and one named Jill.

Fly away, Jack; fly away, Jill,
Come back, Jack; come back, Jill.

Two little blackbirds sitting on a hill,
One named Jack and one named Jill.

Important Dates
January 1- New Years Day- No School
January 1-January 3- Ms. Caitlyn will be in America
January 19- Lisa’s Birthday
January 31-February 6- Chinese New Year (No School)

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