Saturday, January 18, 2014

Nursery January 2014 Newsletter

Happy New Year!
These are just some of the fun activities we have planned for this month.
New Songs:  Mary Had a Little Lamb, I’m a Little Teapot
Art Projects:  Marble Painting, Cotton Swab Painting
Self Care Skills:  Buttons and Zippers
Cooking: Pudding and Trail Mix

Class Updates
December was a wonderful month.  The Christmas concert was a great success.  The Nursery students sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and did an excellent job with the song and dance.  In class we learned about the letters E and F.  The kids really liked trying to put their own coats on.  Cooking class is always a favorite too, we all took turns mixing.   Selena is becoming quite the leader, literally, she and Vincent have been playing follow the leader.  Vincent’s new favorite song is If Your Happy and You Know It.  He is always requesting it.  Florentina always tries everything we do in class, the other day she played the drums with Enya and Christopher.  Christopher had such a fun time when we had a balloon toss with the class.  Noah loves playing with David and chasing him around the jump room.  Chloe loved all the Christmas Art Projects especially the wreath she made.  QD likes playtime with the blocks and cars.  Stanley really liked learning Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and he even does the motions to the song.  Mayu is always trying to do things by herself, she has been putting the books away after reading time.  Jessica is quite the dancer, whenever we have music class her favorite part is the dancing.  Enya  is being very helpful in class, she helped Ashlee get her cup of tea.  Ashlee’s smile is contagious she is always making everyone in class laugh. Ronald’s favorite activity is riding the horses with Noah and Stanley and climbing in the jump room.  Katie is becoming quite talkative, I always hear her singing or talking with the other kids. Alexander is becoming quite the artist, trying several art projects, he often looks through all the coloring pages to find just the right one to color. 

Important Dates
-Selina’s Birthday: January 21
-Chinese New Year: Jan 31-February 6
-Ms. Renee In US: December 19-January 5

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