Sunday, September 22, 2013

Toddler September 2013 Newsletter

Welcome back to school toddler families! We have a very busy and exciting year ahead of us! I am very excited to start the school year and to get to know your children! My goals for this year are that your children love coming to school and have the enthusiasm to learn the curriculum.  I would also like to encourage the students to get to know one another and to make life-long friends. 

Parents, please help your child complete the information on the back to school sheet included in the homework packet.  This worksheet will help me learn about my students and I can use the information to plan activities they are interested in throughout the year. Thank you for your help!

Monthly Homework
Students will have both Chinese and English homework throughout the school year. I will be sending home a homework packet once a month. Please have your child complete the homework by the end date listed on the front of the packet.

All About Ms. Stacie 
Hello students, parents and families! My name is Stacie Cummings and I am the lead American teacher in the toddler room this year! I was born and raised in the wonderful state of Michigan! My family includes my dad, mom and my sister.  My mom has been a teacher for 26 years, my father is a machinist and my sister is studying Criminal Justice.

I studied at Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant, Michigan.  I graduated with my Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Development, with a double minor in Psychology and Communication Disorders. 

This is the first time I have traveled to China, but I have really enjoyed myself so far! I am looking forward to living in Shanghai and making this the experience of a lifetime.

Feel free to contact me at any time throughout the school year with any questions or concerns you may have. My e-mail is I am currently in the process of getting a phone. I will update you with the number as soon as I get it.

Important Dates
September 13 – Emily’s birthday
September 19 & 20 – Mid Autumn Festival (No School)
September 27 – ShaSha’s birthday
Sept. 30 – Oct. 4 – October Holiday (No School)

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