Friday, September 27, 2013

Kindergarten October 2013 Newsletter

Wow, we cannot believe we have already been in school a month! The time sure does fly when you are learning and having fun! We are happy to say that the whole class is meshing together very well and we think it will go on to be life long friendships!

Show and Tell will be starting this month so please check the white books that go home with your children daily for each week’s item.

Look for a note home regarding the Halloween Carnival at the end of the month.  

Our class was very active this month! Toby, Florence, Zoe, Meika, and Doreen have been very busy with the trains. They have been building the tracks in circles and adding bridges to the blocks to create more track area. Hana, Maori, and Mei were very busy in the house area playing with their babies. Penelope and Yolanda have been in the kitchen cooking while Ken brings in the food to cook.  AI and Hana have been making snowflakes and Willy, Arthur and David have been working on drawings of the school. We are excited for Kylie to come back from her vacation with her family! Outside the whole class has been enjoying freeze tag and playing Simon Says. 

 Take me out to the ball game,
Take me out with the crowd.
Buy me some peanuts and cracker jack,
I don’t care if I never get back,
Let me root, root, root for the home team,
If they don’t win it’s a shame.
For its one, two, three strikes you’re out,
At the old ball game.

October 1-7 October Holiday (No School)
October 15 Hana’s Birthday
October 25 Doreens’s Birthday
October 27 AI’s Birthday
October 31 Halloween

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