Sunday, September 22, 2013

Preschool September 2013 Newsletter

Welcome to Preschool!!! It is great to see so many familiar faces returning!  Also, a big welcome to Florentina and her family. 

All of your children will be bringing home an informational sheet, please fill it out (even in Chinese) and return it as soon as possible.  This will help me better plan lessons and class projects that interest your children.  Last year the class decided to learn about sharks for 4 months and I would like to have your children also complete an interest based project. 

Right now our class consists of 9 students but hopefully we will be adding more friends as the year goes!  I look forward to a wonderful year teaching all of your children!

Important Notes

1. English Homework goes home once a month.  Please complete it and return it by the date listed on the front of the packet.  It is important that your child completes both their English and Chinese homework as it supplements the school curriculum and will greatly help them prepare for their upcoming interviews next year.
2. Please make your child is able to remove their clothing on their own for naptime (i.e. no zippers or buttons on the back of dresses). 
3. Reading at home greatly benefits your child’s ability to learn English and Chinese.  Please try and take some time every couple of days and read with them.

About Ms. CaitlynAnne
For the past year I have been the Preschool Room Teacher at MRA and loved every second of it.  I am so excited to continue on a second year. 
Before working at MRA I taught kindergarten at King-Westwood Elementary in Kalamazoo, Michigan and prior to that I taught three and four year olds at Hilltop Preschool, also located in Kalamazoo, Michigan. 
I graduated from Western Michigan University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education and minors in Elementary Mathematics, Elementary Social Studies, and Elementary Language Arts.  I hold a second Bachelor’s Degree (earned in June of 2007) double majoring in Anthropology and Comparative Religion.
Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns that might arise this school year by either emailing me at or via phone at 136-6194-9252.

Important Dates
September 18- Riku’s Birthday
Sept 19-Sept 20- Mid Autumn Festival (No School)
September 24- Nanding’s Birthday
Oct. 1 -Oct. 7- October Holiday (No School)

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