Friday, September 27, 2013

Toddler October 2013 Newsletter

I cannot believe we have already completed our first month of school!  What a great first month it has been! I am excited to get to know all of your children and for the children to get to know me!
Each day the children are becoming more comfortable in the classroom. It is very exciting to me to watch the friendships forming between the children.  As I said before, I hope they will make lifelong friends here at M.R.A.

A Classroom Update
Last week we welcomed three new students!  We are very excited to welcome Gabriel, Anagha and Neo to our classroom! We are also welcoming Fin Fin this week! Violet, Emily, and Rino have been busy in the house area!  They enjoy cooking in the kitchen and rocking the baby dolls.  Shodai is a master train track builder! He spends much of his work time building and racing trains!  He has even invited Sara S. to help him build.  Daniel and Hugo have become excellent friends! They enjoy running around the jump room in the morning, as well as during work time! Lion has become a singing superstar in our classroom.  He remembers most of the songs we learn at carpet and sings them daily!  He is such a performer! Umi and Sara are becoming good friends.  Umi enjoys looking after Sara and helping whenever she can! Eden is always keeping our class laughing!  Racing cars around the classroom is his favorite thing to do during work time.  ShaSha has an infectious smile.  She can play with any of her classmates and have a great time! Our entire classroom has been working with play-doh in the art area.   We will conclude this month with a Halloween Carnival.  More information will follow.

If You're Happy and You Know It
If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands, if you’re happy and you know it clap your hands.
If you’re happy and you know then your face will surely show it.
If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands.
If you’re happy and you know it stomp your feet, if you’re happy and you know it stomp your feet.
If you’re happy and you know then your face will surely show it.
If you’re happy and you know it stomp your feet.
If you’re happy and you know shout “HOORAY,” if you’re happy and you know it shout “HOORAY.”
If you’re happy and you know then your face will surely show it.
If you’re happy and you know it shout “HOORAY!”

Important Dates!
Oct. 1- Oct. 7 ~ No School (October Holiday)
October 16~ Umi’s birthday!
October 31~Happy Halloween!

Preschool October 2013 Newsletter

September was a really great month! We spent much of our time getting to know each other and learning the routines at school. We have been enjoying playing at our different centers (Art, House, Block/Toy, Science, Writing, and Book Areas). We love to play and have a lot of fun with it! We also have been working very hard on practicing our name.  We’ve done some science and math lessons involving classifying and sorting things.  We made fall leaves and worked on our About Me Books!

This month, we had fun reading on the carpet, singing, “I’m a Little Teapot” and getting to know each other. I also really enjoyed meeting many of you at the Parent Teacher Potluck. J

On a sad note, we said good-bye to our classmates Shota and Nozomi at the end of last month.  

Last month, I was very impressed by Conrad’s reading abilities. Lisa and Shota are already able to write their names and Aston is working so hard on writing the letter S in his name.  There will be many more opportunities for the students to practice their names and I am excited to see improvement for all of them! Our class’s favourite song to sing in the hallway seems to be the ABC’s.  Everyday, Jules and Conrad quickly request the song.  I have noticed how many students are making friends at school and love to play together. Jules, Conrad and Aston love to build houses and castles out of blocks all around the train tracks.  Kai practices cooking the fake food in much the same way you would cook real food.  He and Florentina have aso helped “repair” our house.  Lisa, Riku, Ann and Shota have really enjoyed playing with the coins in the science area and sticking them into different containers from the house area.  Nanding and Nozomi have made some beautiful collages out of material we have in the art area.
During October we will be focusing on the letters I, P, and T.  We will also be working on words we know and sharing our writing! In Math and Science we will work on writing and counting numbers and predictions.  We will also be continuing our work on sorting!!  Also, we will have our October Halloween Carnival at the end of the month so we will be doing many Halloween themed activities.

Over the next few weeks we will be learning the song “Mr. Golden Sun”
Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun
Please shine down on me!
Oh Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun,
Hiding behind a tree.
These little children
are asking you.
Please come out
so we can play with you.
Oh Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun,
Please shine down on me!

October Holiday:
October 1-October 7 (No School)
October 31

Kindergarten October 2013 Newsletter

Wow, we cannot believe we have already been in school a month! The time sure does fly when you are learning and having fun! We are happy to say that the whole class is meshing together very well and we think it will go on to be life long friendships!

Show and Tell will be starting this month so please check the white books that go home with your children daily for each week’s item.

Look for a note home regarding the Halloween Carnival at the end of the month.  

Our class was very active this month! Toby, Florence, Zoe, Meika, and Doreen have been very busy with the trains. They have been building the tracks in circles and adding bridges to the blocks to create more track area. Hana, Maori, and Mei were very busy in the house area playing with their babies. Penelope and Yolanda have been in the kitchen cooking while Ken brings in the food to cook.  AI and Hana have been making snowflakes and Willy, Arthur and David have been working on drawings of the school. We are excited for Kylie to come back from her vacation with her family! Outside the whole class has been enjoying freeze tag and playing Simon Says. 

 Take me out to the ball game,
Take me out with the crowd.
Buy me some peanuts and cracker jack,
I don’t care if I never get back,
Let me root, root, root for the home team,
If they don’t win it’s a shame.
For its one, two, three strikes you’re out,
At the old ball game.

October 1-7 October Holiday (No School)
October 15 Hana’s Birthday
October 25 Doreens’s Birthday
October 27 AI’s Birthday
October 31 Halloween

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Nursery September 2013 Newsletter

Welcome to the Morgan Rothschild Academy’s Nursery Room.  Our classroom currently has 14 students and we look forward to a fun filled year of learning and discovery. To help ensure a successful school year please make sure your children have bedding, diapers, towels, and cups available at the school. Goals for the year include having the children become used to the classroom routines, learning the alphabet and basic letter sounds and site words, and giving the children confidence to succeed educationally.

Songs and Books for This Month:

Dr. Suess’s ABC
The Chicken Dance
Alphabet Song
Rosie’s Walk

About Ms. Jenny
My experience with children is diverse. I have spent the past 2 years tutoring children ages 2-8 in math and reading. I spent one year as an assistant in an elementary school for children preschool through fifth grade. During that year I ran before and after school reading programs and worked with children on site words and comprehension.
I have a Bachelors Degree in English from APUS, and am certified to teach English as a foreign language by the International TEFL Academy.
I am originally from Michigan, but have lived all over the United States. I have traveled overseas before, but coming to China is the furthest away from home I have been.
Some of my hobbies include music and art. I love making art projects and look forward to sharing my interest in art with your children.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns over the school year feel free to get a hold of me at

Important Dates
-September 19-20 Mid Autumn Holiday (No School)
-September 28-October 6- October Holiday (No School)

Toddler September 2013 Newsletter

Welcome back to school toddler families! We have a very busy and exciting year ahead of us! I am very excited to start the school year and to get to know your children! My goals for this year are that your children love coming to school and have the enthusiasm to learn the curriculum.  I would also like to encourage the students to get to know one another and to make life-long friends. 

Parents, please help your child complete the information on the back to school sheet included in the homework packet.  This worksheet will help me learn about my students and I can use the information to plan activities they are interested in throughout the year. Thank you for your help!

Monthly Homework
Students will have both Chinese and English homework throughout the school year. I will be sending home a homework packet once a month. Please have your child complete the homework by the end date listed on the front of the packet.

All About Ms. Stacie 
Hello students, parents and families! My name is Stacie Cummings and I am the lead American teacher in the toddler room this year! I was born and raised in the wonderful state of Michigan! My family includes my dad, mom and my sister.  My mom has been a teacher for 26 years, my father is a machinist and my sister is studying Criminal Justice.

I studied at Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant, Michigan.  I graduated with my Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Development, with a double minor in Psychology and Communication Disorders. 

This is the first time I have traveled to China, but I have really enjoyed myself so far! I am looking forward to living in Shanghai and making this the experience of a lifetime.

Feel free to contact me at any time throughout the school year with any questions or concerns you may have. My e-mail is I am currently in the process of getting a phone. I will update you with the number as soon as I get it.

Important Dates
September 13 – Emily’s birthday
September 19 & 20 – Mid Autumn Festival (No School)
September 27 – ShaSha’s birthday
Sept. 30 – Oct. 4 – October Holiday (No School)

Preschool September 2013 Newsletter

Welcome to Preschool!!! It is great to see so many familiar faces returning!  Also, a big welcome to Florentina and her family. 

All of your children will be bringing home an informational sheet, please fill it out (even in Chinese) and return it as soon as possible.  This will help me better plan lessons and class projects that interest your children.  Last year the class decided to learn about sharks for 4 months and I would like to have your children also complete an interest based project. 

Right now our class consists of 9 students but hopefully we will be adding more friends as the year goes!  I look forward to a wonderful year teaching all of your children!

Important Notes

1. English Homework goes home once a month.  Please complete it and return it by the date listed on the front of the packet.  It is important that your child completes both their English and Chinese homework as it supplements the school curriculum and will greatly help them prepare for their upcoming interviews next year.
2. Please make your child is able to remove their clothing on their own for naptime (i.e. no zippers or buttons on the back of dresses). 
3. Reading at home greatly benefits your child’s ability to learn English and Chinese.  Please try and take some time every couple of days and read with them.

About Ms. CaitlynAnne
For the past year I have been the Preschool Room Teacher at MRA and loved every second of it.  I am so excited to continue on a second year. 
Before working at MRA I taught kindergarten at King-Westwood Elementary in Kalamazoo, Michigan and prior to that I taught three and four year olds at Hilltop Preschool, also located in Kalamazoo, Michigan. 
I graduated from Western Michigan University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education and minors in Elementary Mathematics, Elementary Social Studies, and Elementary Language Arts.  I hold a second Bachelor’s Degree (earned in June of 2007) double majoring in Anthropology and Comparative Religion.
Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns that might arise this school year by either emailing me at or via phone at 136-6194-9252.

Important Dates
September 18- Riku’s Birthday
Sept 19-Sept 20- Mid Autumn Festival (No School)
September 24- Nanding’s Birthday
Oct. 1 -Oct. 7- October Holiday (No School)

Kindergarten September 2013 Newsletter

Welcome to Kindergarten! We are so happy to welcome back our families! We have a very exciting year planned! We have a class of 16 and are so excited for everyone to get to know one another.
Our expectations for the students are that they follow directions and get to know each other with as much enthusiasm as we have. We also expect students to follow all classroom rules. Our goals are for the students to be able to read and write all on their own by the end of the year.

All the children will be bringing home an information sheet that we would love to have filled out (even if in Chinese). This will help us get to know the children better.

About Ms. Torie
Hello everyone! I am Ms. Torie and I am one of the American Teachers in the Kindergarten Room this year. I graduated from Central Michigan University with a Bachelor of the Applied Arts in Early Childhood Education and minored in Leadership.

I am from Grosse Pointe, Michigan USA. I have had many opportunities to travel outside the United States. Some of those include: Italy, South Africa, The Caribbean, Barcelona, and France. I am so excited to get the chance to travel all over China!

My family includes my mother, father, brother, sister and 2 dogs! My father is a business owner and my mother is a teacher as well! My brother and sister are both students. 

About Ms. Renee
I am from Michigan where I went to Central Michigan University.  I have a Bachelors degree in Education and my areas of study are in Visual Arts (Kindergarten-High School) and Family Studies (Kindergarten-High School).

I decided to become a teacher after working at summer camps in Michigan and Maryland.  Where I was a ceramics instructor, nature instructor and camp counselor.

My hobbies include drawing, painting, shopping and watching movies.  I also love spending time with kids.  I hope to have lots of fun with the students this year and learn a lot together.

Homework: We will be giving out weekly homework packets. They will be given out on Monday and need to be returned by Friday.

Important Dates:
·      September 9 – Zoe & Ms. Renee’s Birthdays
·      September 19 & 20 – Mid Autumn Festival (No School)
·      September 22 – Maori’s Birthday
·      September 30- October 4 – October Holiday (No School)

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact us. Ms. Torie: or Ms. Renee: