Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Toddler February 2013 Newsletter

I hope everyone enjoyed the Chinese New Year and had achance to celebrate the year of the horse! I would like to remind you that youcan contact me anytime with any questions or concerns you may have.  My e-mail address iscummi1sl@gmail.com and my telephone numberis 15000298304. I have also joined WeChat to make it easier to communicate.
It is hard to believe the school year is half way donealready.  Your children impress me everyday with their new skills, English language and relationships they have formedwith one another. Here’s to hoping the second half of the school year is justas rewarding as the first!

We are excited to welcome a new friend to our classroom!Welcome to the Toddler Room, Serena! Eden, Lion and Gabriel have been veryactive on the playground.  They enjoypretend fighting and running together! We have been practicing our alphabet asoften as we can.  Daniel, Emily andDaniel Hu are always willing to help if their friends are unsure! The art areahas been popular with many students.  Umiand Rino like drawing people with different colored markers.  Hima draws flowers using her favorite color,orange!  Neo has found a new favoritetoy, the white car.  He pushes it throughthe classroom, sometimes fast and sometimes slow. Shodai and Sara S. haveformed a close friendship in our classroom. They read books together, playtogether and always share a good laugh. Sara, Shasha and Violet have beencooking up a storm in the kitchen using our new food items! Finnegan is excitedto be back at school with her friends! She gives great hugs to her teachers andfriends. We have really been missing our friend, Anagha! Many of the childrenhave been asking when they can play with their friend again!

Do Your EarsHang Low?
Do They Wobble to and Fro?
Can You Tie Them in a Knot?
Can You Tie Them in a Bow?
Can You Throw Them Over Your Shoulder Like a Continental Soldier?
Do Your EarsHang Low?

February 3 – February 6 · No School (Chinese New Year)
February 26 · Daniel Hu’s Birthday!
February 26· Eden’s Birthday!

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