Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Preschool February 2013 Newsletter

Happy Chinese New Year!!  I hope all of your families had a wonderful vacation and enjoyed your travels if you travelled over it! January was a busy month in the Preschool room.  We are still learning about Maps and I am impressed by how much the students have all remembered!  We will continue to work on lower caseletters and start high frequency English words at the end of the month.  If you would like a list of these words please let me know and I will be happy to send one home.  

This past month the class has been working very hard to learn the upperand lower case letters as well as practicing our writing so we will be readyfor Kindergarten!  I have seen such alarge improvement in all of the students. Most have now learned all except for a few of the letters and are doinga great job with placing their letters properly on the lines!  The class really enjoyed being able to askquestions about animals and find out answers. Aston and Lisa had so many questions and Lucas and Kai did anoutstanding job finding the answers to all their questions.  They then presented them to the wholeclass!  Great job boys!!  Jack is doing great with learning hisnumbers.  In the month of January he wentfrom being able to count from five to ten! Lisa, Ann, Riku and Nanding reallyenjoy the days we get the fake snow out. Riku also really likes carrying around and playing with the scorpionrock we now have in our classroom.  Astontook time to explain the Transformer movies to me so now I know which ones towatch and which ones aren’t so good. Thank you Aston!  Ann, Nanding andKai have beautiful handwriting.  They doa great job taking their time!  Lisa andJules do such a wonderful job reading to their reading buddies as well!!

Ifall the raindrops were lemon drops and gum drops, Oh what a rain that would be.
I’dstand outside with my mouth open wide
SingingAh Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah
Ifall the raindrops were lemon drops and gum drops, Oh what a rain that would be.

Ifall the Snowflakes were chocolate bars and milkshakes, Oh what a snow thatwould be.
I’dstand outside with my mouth open wide
SingingAh Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah
Ifall the snowflakes were chocolate bars and milkshakes, Oh what a snow thatwould be!

Ifall the sunbeams were lemonade and ice cream, Oh what a sun that would be!
I’dstand outside with my mouth open wide
SingingAh Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah
Ifall the raindrops were lemon drops and gum drops, Oh what a rain that would be.

January 31-February 6-Chinese New Year (No School)
February 14- Valentine’s Day

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