Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Nursery February 2013 Newsletter

Happy Chinese New Year!
These are just some of the fun activities we have plannedfor this month.
  • New Songs:  The HokeyPokey, Pop Goes the Weasel
  • Art Projects: Colorful Fish, Beautiful Hearts
  • Self Care Skills: I Can Use a Fork,  I Can Wash My hands
  • Cooking: Making Gelatin, Making Pasta
I am so happy to be back. I had a wonderful time with my family in the United States.  January has been a fun month with the Nurseryclass.  We spent some time reviewing theletters D, E and F.  We had fun in Sportsclass learning how to kick balls and use the stepping stones.  Their favorite Cooking class was makingchocolate pudding.   Stanley’s drawingskills are improving he often takes time now to sit down and try to color withmany different colors and try to stay in the lines.  Alexander loves to play house, he invited meto come eat pretend apples and bananas with him.  When he left he said he was going to seemama.  Vincent loves to countthings.  One day I saw Vincent countingblocks for Mayu.  Mayu is showing moreinterest in building things.  Mayu builta tower with blocks all by herself and she laughed when Ronald knocked itdown.  Ronald comes running when it istime for the art lesson.  We did marblepainting and he understood what to do right away and his painting turned outreally nice.  Chloe loves to play withthe baby dolls.  She pretends to rockthem to sleep and sing songs with them.  Jessicaalso likes to sing songs.  Jessica waslooking at a book with Chloe and starting singing “Old MacDonald had a farm E.I. E. I. O.”  Ashlee and Enya are verygood friends they love to sit with each other when they drink their tea and hittheir cups together and say “gombei!” Noah and Mayu are very good friends, Noah likes to sit down with her andpretend to talk and give her hugs. Florentina has such a great imagination, sometimes she pretends to be adoctor and take care of the dolls. Christopher’s favorite toy is the drums he has played them with all theother children in class.  He carries thedrums around the room. We have missed Katie and hope she will be back soon.

Chinese New Year: Jan 31-February 6    

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