Monday, February 10, 2014

Cake Factory

The Toddler room and the Nursery room from Morgan Rothschild Academy had an exciting day on November 8 at the cake factory! Upon arriving at school, the children were whisked off to the buses. We arrived at the cake factory shortly after.  While on the school buses, we sang songs and had many laughs.  Upon arriving at the cake factory, the children from Morgan Rothschild Academy watched a short movie in the common area.

The babies and toddlers from Morgan Rothschild Academy left the common area and walked through a small hallway. Once in the hallway, doors closed on either side and a gust of air blew through it! The children all screamed, but enjoyed it!  Further down the hallway, the children were able to walk along the glass and observe the assembly line of the cake factory.  First, they saw where the cakes were made.  Then, where the cakes were frosted.  Finally, where the cakes were boxed.  The factory worker smiled and waved to the children.

At the end of the hallway, we went upstairs into a large room with many tables.  Each of the children were given an apron and escorted to a table. A cake sat on a small spinning platter in front of each child.  The children frosted their cakes with spatulas and then used pink, purple, green and yellow icing to decorate their cakes.  The children loved licking the frosting from the spatulas. The factory workers boxed the cakes for each child.

Once the children washed their hands, we raced over to a room with an enormous play structure.  The kids could climb up three levels and slide down the slides.  Behind the play structure was an open area to run, ride bikes and play on the seesaws! The Morgan Rothschild Academy child had an amazing time!

Ship Museum

The Kindergarten and Preschool room from Morgan Rothschild Academy had a very exciting day on November 7th,  we went to the ship factory! Everyone arrived at school where they promptly handed off their packed lunches and went to the bathroom. Then we all loaded up into different Morgan Rothschild Academy school buses and headed off! When we arrived the children were very excited to see that the top of the building was a funny shape. Once inside we were able to walk around and see mini models of different ships. One of the most popular ones was the Titanic. Toby from the Morgan Rothschild Academy Kindergarten classroom was especially excited because he loves the Titanic! Next the children got to go on a life size replica of a Chinese Sailing Vessel. Everyone from Morgan Rothschild Academy was very excited to see all the ropes for the sails and to be able to look down into the inside of the ship. We then went onto see an engine room! There were so many different pipes and engines! After that we got to the main steering room of a ship, this was very exciting for all the students at Morgan Rothschild Academy because they got to steer the ship into virtual waters. They also got to touch all the buttons and be a captain!  We then got to go and make our own mini model Viking boats! This was a difficult task but the students powered through! After that we ate lunch and got back on the Morgan Rothschild Academy school buses to go back to school! It was a very exciting day!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Toddler February 2013 Newsletter

I hope everyone enjoyed the Chinese New Year and had achance to celebrate the year of the horse! I would like to remind you that youcan contact me anytime with any questions or concerns you may have.  My e-mail address and my telephone numberis 15000298304. I have also joined WeChat to make it easier to communicate.
It is hard to believe the school year is half way donealready.  Your children impress me everyday with their new skills, English language and relationships they have formedwith one another. Here’s to hoping the second half of the school year is justas rewarding as the first!

We are excited to welcome a new friend to our classroom!Welcome to the Toddler Room, Serena! Eden, Lion and Gabriel have been veryactive on the playground.  They enjoypretend fighting and running together! We have been practicing our alphabet asoften as we can.  Daniel, Emily andDaniel Hu are always willing to help if their friends are unsure! The art areahas been popular with many students.  Umiand Rino like drawing people with different colored markers.  Hima draws flowers using her favorite color,orange!  Neo has found a new favoritetoy, the white car.  He pushes it throughthe classroom, sometimes fast and sometimes slow. Shodai and Sara S. haveformed a close friendship in our classroom. They read books together, playtogether and always share a good laugh. Sara, Shasha and Violet have beencooking up a storm in the kitchen using our new food items! Finnegan is excitedto be back at school with her friends! She gives great hugs to her teachers andfriends. We have really been missing our friend, Anagha! Many of the childrenhave been asking when they can play with their friend again!

Do Your EarsHang Low?
Do They Wobble to and Fro?
Can You Tie Them in a Knot?
Can You Tie Them in a Bow?
Can You Throw Them Over Your Shoulder Like a Continental Soldier?
Do Your EarsHang Low?

February 3 – February 6 · No School (Chinese New Year)
February 26 · Daniel Hu’s Birthday!
February 26· Eden’s Birthday!

Nursery February 2013 Newsletter

Happy Chinese New Year!
These are just some of the fun activities we have plannedfor this month.
  • New Songs:  The HokeyPokey, Pop Goes the Weasel
  • Art Projects: Colorful Fish, Beautiful Hearts
  • Self Care Skills: I Can Use a Fork,  I Can Wash My hands
  • Cooking: Making Gelatin, Making Pasta
I am so happy to be back. I had a wonderful time with my family in the United States.  January has been a fun month with the Nurseryclass.  We spent some time reviewing theletters D, E and F.  We had fun in Sportsclass learning how to kick balls and use the stepping stones.  Their favorite Cooking class was makingchocolate pudding.   Stanley’s drawingskills are improving he often takes time now to sit down and try to color withmany different colors and try to stay in the lines.  Alexander loves to play house, he invited meto come eat pretend apples and bananas with him.  When he left he said he was going to seemama.  Vincent loves to countthings.  One day I saw Vincent countingblocks for Mayu.  Mayu is showing moreinterest in building things.  Mayu builta tower with blocks all by herself and she laughed when Ronald knocked itdown.  Ronald comes running when it istime for the art lesson.  We did marblepainting and he understood what to do right away and his painting turned outreally nice.  Chloe loves to play withthe baby dolls.  She pretends to rockthem to sleep and sing songs with them.  Jessicaalso likes to sing songs.  Jessica waslooking at a book with Chloe and starting singing “Old MacDonald had a farm E.I. E. I. O.”  Ashlee and Enya are verygood friends they love to sit with each other when they drink their tea and hittheir cups together and say “gombei!” Noah and Mayu are very good friends, Noah likes to sit down with her andpretend to talk and give her hugs. Florentina has such a great imagination, sometimes she pretends to be adoctor and take care of the dolls. Christopher’s favorite toy is the drums he has played them with all theother children in class.  He carries thedrums around the room. We have missed Katie and hope she will be back soon.

Chinese New Year: Jan 31-February 6    

Preschool February 2013 Newsletter

Happy Chinese New Year!!  I hope all of your families had a wonderful vacation and enjoyed your travels if you travelled over it! January was a busy month in the Preschool room.  We are still learning about Maps and I am impressed by how much the students have all remembered!  We will continue to work on lower caseletters and start high frequency English words at the end of the month.  If you would like a list of these words please let me know and I will be happy to send one home.  

This past month the class has been working very hard to learn the upperand lower case letters as well as practicing our writing so we will be readyfor Kindergarten!  I have seen such alarge improvement in all of the students. Most have now learned all except for a few of the letters and are doinga great job with placing their letters properly on the lines!  The class really enjoyed being able to askquestions about animals and find out answers. Aston and Lisa had so many questions and Lucas and Kai did anoutstanding job finding the answers to all their questions.  They then presented them to the wholeclass!  Great job boys!!  Jack is doing great with learning hisnumbers.  In the month of January he wentfrom being able to count from five to ten! Lisa, Ann, Riku and Nanding reallyenjoy the days we get the fake snow out. Riku also really likes carrying around and playing with the scorpionrock we now have in our classroom.  Astontook time to explain the Transformer movies to me so now I know which ones towatch and which ones aren’t so good. Thank you Aston!  Ann, Nanding andKai have beautiful handwriting.  They doa great job taking their time!  Lisa andJules do such a wonderful job reading to their reading buddies as well!!

Ifall the raindrops were lemon drops and gum drops, Oh what a rain that would be.
I’dstand outside with my mouth open wide
SingingAh Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah
Ifall the raindrops were lemon drops and gum drops, Oh what a rain that would be.

Ifall the Snowflakes were chocolate bars and milkshakes, Oh what a snow thatwould be.
I’dstand outside with my mouth open wide
SingingAh Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah
Ifall the snowflakes were chocolate bars and milkshakes, Oh what a snow thatwould be!

Ifall the sunbeams were lemonade and ice cream, Oh what a sun that would be!
I’dstand outside with my mouth open wide
SingingAh Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah
Ifall the raindrops were lemon drops and gum drops, Oh what a rain that would be.

January 31-February 6-Chinese New Year (No School)
February 14- Valentine’s Day

Kindergarten February 2014 Newsletter

Happy New Year to everyone! I hope you had a great week offand are relaxed and ready for all the fun new things I have in store for theKindergarten Class!
If you have any questions through out the rest of the schoolyear feel free to contact me. My phone number is 13564259126 and I am also onWe Chat. Or my email address is toriemariesmith@gmail.comI would be happy to answer any questions you may have!           

We have beenvery busy in the Kindergarten classroom! We are excited that Penelope is backfrom her long vacation! We missed her so much! The students have been enjoyingall the crafts we have been making during art time, and I proudly display themall over the classroom! Toby and David have been working on drawings ofdifferent cars and buildings. Willy, Ken, Doreen, Hana, Arthur and AI have beenplaying cards and inviting the rest of the class to play as well. Zoe andFlorence have been keeping the class laughing, telling jokes and making goofyfaces. Yolanda, Hana, Maori and Kylie have been keeping our House area cleanand making sure all the babies get fed. Meika, Kylie and Toby have been building more structures with blocks fortheir trains to travel on. We are always on the move!

On top of my pizza
All covered with sauce
Could not find the mushrooms
I think they got lost

I looked in the closet
I looked in the sink
I looked in the cup that
Held my cola drink

I looked in the saucepan
Right under the lid
No matter where I looked
Those mushrooms stayed hid

Next time you make pizza
I’m begging you, please
Do not give me mushrooms
But just plain old cheese 

Febraury 4: Penelope’s Birthday
February 11: Ken’s Birthday
February 14:Valentines Day