Saturday, January 18, 2014

Nursery December 2013 Newsletter

 During the month of December we will be spending a lot of time working on our Christmas songs; Twinkle Twinkle and Jingle Bells. We will also be learning about the color yellow and we will be reviewing the letters A-E. For self care skills we will practice putting on coats, gloves, mittens and other winter items. Books and songs include The Very Quiet Cricket and Row Row Row your Boat. It was nice meeting everyone at Parent Teacher conferences and I look forward to the Christmas concert.

Class Update
November was a fun month as we went to the Cake Factory, learned about triangles and squares, and made turkey artwork.  We are so glad to have a new student.  His name is QD.  QD enjoys art projects and is getting to know the other students. Stanley had a lot of fun playing with parachutes this month and kept trying to run underneath it. Mayu has learned the dance to our Christmas song and loves performing for us. Ronald enjoyed his time playing with the toy cars often during work time. Chloe loves playing on the toy horses and alligators in the jump room. Jessica and Katie have become very good friends and are often found holding hands and laughing together. Alexander seems to enjoy the block center the most but can be found at all of the centers as he really just loves exploring. Ashlee couldn’t wait to have her turn stirring the cake batter during one of our cooking lessons. Noah and Stanley have become good friends and can often be found chasing each other around the room. Selena is quite an artist and spent a lot of time on various coloring and art projects during the month. Florentina is becoming quite helpful in the classroom and helps make sure the younger kids are safe. Christopher has learned the words ‘please and thank you’ and uses them often. Everyone was excited to see Enya when she came back from her holiday, the classroom is not the same without her in it, although she was not interested in the turkey art project she did have fun playing house as usual. Vincent is speaking more and more English everyday and is becoming quite outspoken.

December Dates
December 12 Christmas Concert

Nursery January 2014 Newsletter

Happy New Year!
These are just some of the fun activities we have planned for this month.
New Songs:  Mary Had a Little Lamb, I’m a Little Teapot
Art Projects:  Marble Painting, Cotton Swab Painting
Self Care Skills:  Buttons and Zippers
Cooking: Pudding and Trail Mix

Class Updates
December was a wonderful month.  The Christmas concert was a great success.  The Nursery students sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and did an excellent job with the song and dance.  In class we learned about the letters E and F.  The kids really liked trying to put their own coats on.  Cooking class is always a favorite too, we all took turns mixing.   Selena is becoming quite the leader, literally, she and Vincent have been playing follow the leader.  Vincent’s new favorite song is If Your Happy and You Know It.  He is always requesting it.  Florentina always tries everything we do in class, the other day she played the drums with Enya and Christopher.  Christopher had such a fun time when we had a balloon toss with the class.  Noah loves playing with David and chasing him around the jump room.  Chloe loved all the Christmas Art Projects especially the wreath she made.  QD likes playtime with the blocks and cars.  Stanley really liked learning Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and he even does the motions to the song.  Mayu is always trying to do things by herself, she has been putting the books away after reading time.  Jessica is quite the dancer, whenever we have music class her favorite part is the dancing.  Enya  is being very helpful in class, she helped Ashlee get her cup of tea.  Ashlee’s smile is contagious she is always making everyone in class laugh. Ronald’s favorite activity is riding the horses with Noah and Stanley and climbing in the jump room.  Katie is becoming quite talkative, I always hear her singing or talking with the other kids. Alexander is becoming quite the artist, trying several art projects, he often looks through all the coloring pages to find just the right one to color. 

Important Dates
-Selina’s Birthday: January 21
-Chinese New Year: Jan 31-February 6
-Ms. Renee In US: December 19-January 5

Toddler January 2014 Newsletter

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable holiday! It is hard to believe we are nearing the halfway mark of our school year! Time sure does fly when you’re having fun!
I have noticed recently in our classroom, the children are returning homework that has not been completed.  There is no reason for this.  Once the homework has been completed by your child, you can return it to me!  It will be less clutter for the children’s backpacks and for me! Thank you!

Classroom Update
The friendships are still blossoming in the Toddler Room at M.R.A.  The children are interested in helping each other, as well as helping me. Umi has been helping me develop my Chinese! I’m not sure I’m getting any better, but she is so helpful! The trains are still a popular area for the boys to play. Neo, Lion, Shodai, and Daniel build train tracks that stretch over the entire carpet area! They work well together. Daniel Hu also likes to play with the trains! Instead of building train tracks, he likes to line up ALL of the trains and push them around the carpet! Sara, Emily, Rino and Violet have been taking care of the classroom babies! They feed the babies and build them beds! Our babies are well taken care of.  Anagha and Sara S. have become close friends.  Their favorite game is to chase each other in the ballet room.  They run around the room laughing together! Finnegan, ShaSha and Hima have been utilizing the art area.  They draw beautiful pictures of their mama’s and baba’s, using many different colored markers! Eden, Alexander and Gabriel have been building cars out of the big blocks in the ballet room.  They sit on them and “drive” around together! 

Baby Bumblebee
I'm bringing home my baby bumble bee
Won't my Mommy be so proud of me
I'm bringing home my baby bumble bee -
OUCH!! It stung me!!

I'm squishin' up my baby bumble bee
Won't my Mommy be so proud of me
I'm squishin' up my baby bumble bee -
EW!! What a mess!!

I'm lickin' up my baby bumble bee
Won't my Mommy be so proud of me
I'm lickin' up my baby bumble bee -
ICK!! I feel sick!!

I'm throwin' up my baby bumble bee
Won't my Mommy be so proud of me
I'm throwin' up my baby bumble bee -
OH!! What a mess!!

Important Dates
January 1 – No School (New Year’s Day)
January 25 – Anagha’s Birthday!
January 31 ~ February 6 – No School (Chinese New Year)

Preschool January 2014 Newsletter

Happy 2014 to all of you!!  For those of you who traveled over the holiday season, I hope you enjoyed your trips and welcome back!  It’s hard to believe that nearly half of the school year has gone by.  
The Christmas concert was a great success!  The children all did such a wonderful job singing and dancing.  They worked very hard to learn their songs and I think their hard work really paid off.
During December, we have continued learning about maps.  We made a population map of where everyone in our school comes from and compared America and China. 
The class has also almost mastered all of the alphabet letters so we will begin to move onto sight words during this month.

Class Updates 

Recently the class has learned about reading a book by using it’s pictures.  We have started reading to our Toddler friends and Lisa and Aston both did a wonderful job with their buddies!  Jules has begun asking many questions during our lessons, such as, does America have mosquitoes and zoos?  Nanding quickly picked up our Christmas dance during the short time she was at school, which showed such great dedication.  Kai has been making amazing constructions out of blocks.  Sometimes it’s a game, other times it will be a huge house, once it was even a car with wheels!  Ann and Riku have both really been enjoying our math lessons lately and have started really leading class participation in those lessons!  Lucas and Aston have taught me a lot about Superheroes and how important it is to have muscles and be strong.  The Cat and Dog Guided Reading books are some of the favourites in our room right now.  It is also nice to see that the class remembers friends who have left the school, such as Jacob, Koki, and Shota, whom often get brought up in our discussions about maps and different places in the world. 

Two Little Blackbirds
Two little blackbirds sitting on a hill,
One named Jack and one named Jill.

Fly away, Jack; fly away, Jill,
Come back, Jack; come back, Jill.

Two little blackbirds sitting on a hill,
One named Jack and one named Jill.

Important Dates
January 1- New Years Day- No School
January 1-January 3- Ms. Caitlyn will be in America
January 19- Lisa’s Birthday
January 31-February 6- Chinese New Year (No School)

Kindergarten January 2014 Newsletter

I cannot believe we are already half way done with our school year! I think the children teach me something new everyday!
We have been very interested in making snowflakes in our classroom so we will be continuing to create snowflakes out of different materials this coming month!

Class Updates
Our class has been interested in so many things this month! Toby, Kylie, Meika and Zoe have been building with our train tracks, they go in all different directions! Arthur, David, Willy and Ken have been using the blocks to make up different sports! Never a dull moment with those four! Sometimes they play baseball with the blocks or other times they are used as guns for superheroes. Yolanda, Hana, Mei, and Maori have been very busy in the kitchen and house area. They take care of all our classroom babies and have even been pretending to be cats. They meow and hiss just like real cats! Florence, Doreen, AI and Penelope have been very busy drawing me pictures! Sometimes I get a hamburger, Pearl Tower, or a house. I have them hanging all up in the classroom!
We are very sad to say goodbye to one of our friends. Mei has gone to live in Japan with her family. We will miss her so much! 

If All The Raindrops
If all the raindrops were lemon drops and gumdrops
Oh what a rain that would be.
Standing outside with my mouth open wide.
If all the raindrops were lemon drops and gumdrops
Oh what a rain that would be.

If all the snowflakes were candy bars and milkshakes
Oh what a snow that would be.
Standing outside with my mouth open wide.
If all the snowflakes were candy bars and milkshakes
Oh what a snow that would be.

January Dates
January 1: New Years Day (NO School)
January 23: David’s Birthday
January 31-February 6: Chinese New Year Holiday (No School)