Friday, May 2, 2014

Nursery May 2014 Newsletter

Last month we enjoyed getting ready for the SpringConcert.  For the concert we sang anddanced to Mary had a Little Lamb and The Bear went over the Mountain.  For the Finale all the classrooms danced toTwist and Shout.  In April we alsocelebrated lots of birthdays.  Maja,Alexander, Christopher, Vincent and Enya had their birthdays last month.  The favorite lesson of the month was dancingto the song Animal Action.  The childrengo to pretend to be ducks, lions and bees.
Alexander doesunexpected things all the time.  Theother day he ran towards me really fast and nearly knocked me over.  He said, “I am a car and go really fast.”Ashlee loves to help clean up.  I told everyone it was time to cleanup.  Ashlee ran to help clean-up but everythingwas cleaned up.  Ashlee was so sad thatshe could not help. Ms. Pan and Ms. Renee were dancing to the songs for theSpring Concert and Chio got up andstood next to us and began dancing with us. Chio loves to dance. Christopher was very tired, almostfalling asleep, and was sitting in the house wearing a chef hat and a doll anda phone in the other hand.  He lookedlike he was so exhausted taking care of his baby doll. Enya’s was playing in the jump room.  She picked up her favorite block and gaveit  to me.  She thinks it is very important to share. Jessica sat in the front of theclassroom and sat like a teacher holding the book and pointing at thepictures.  Other children came and satwith her to look at the book. Katie wassitting at the table and Mayu brought her a toy phone.  Katie picked up the phone and had quite along conversation then handed the phone back to Mayu.  Mayuloves to help everyone in the classroom.  Whenever someone is sador needs something Mayucomes and gets me and brings me to her friend.  Majalikes to play in the play house outside. She says, “Find me!” She hides and waits for me to find her.  Noahlovesto sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.  Oneday I let him sit in my chair in front of the class and sing it.  Stanleyand Ronald really likes to play the drums with his friends.  One day they beat on the drum and sang happybirthday with Ms. Pan. During work time Vincentreally enjoys playing with the balloons we have hanging from the ceiling in ourclassroom.   He points at them and tellsme what colors they are. Quasar likesto play with small blocks in our classroom. She builds little houses and towers and puts toys in them. Ziyin sang the first words of a songthis month. She said, “B. I. N. G. O!”

5 Green and Speckled Frogs
5 green and speckled frogs sitting on a speckledlog
Eating some most delicious bugs
Yum yum
1 jumped into the pool
Where it was nice and cool
Now there are
4 green and speckled frogs
Glub glub
Sitting on a speckled log
Eating some most delicious bugs
Yum yum
1 jumped into the pool
Where it was nice and cool
Now there are
3 green and speckled frogs
Glub glub
Now there are no green speckled frogs

Important Dates
No School: May1 and May 2
Mayu: May 5
Neo: May 6
Ziyin: May 14
Chio: May 23
Parent TeacherConferences:
May 27 and 28

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