Friday, August 12, 2011

Teacher Feedback from our Kindergarten Room Teacher

Future MRA Teachers,

Coming to China and to teach at Morgan Rothschild Academy was one of the biggest decisions of my life. After being here since April 2008, I can also say it is one of my greatest decisions. Throughout my time in Shanghai, I have learned a lot about myself and much about an entire culture that was unknown to me. The children at Morgan Rothschild Acdemy are amazing and have taught me how to enhance my teaching skills and strengthen my lessons and style to fit ESL learners. Teaching is something I cherish and hold very close to my heart, and at Morgan Rothschild Academy I have had the opportunity to be creative and explore subjects I would not be able to in an American school.

Shanghai is amazing! I have met many people from all around the world and have even caught on to many words in the Chinese language. This is an amazing opportunity and a direction every teacher should take before settling down in America.

Hope to see you in Shanghai!
Tabitha Legleiter, 2008-2009 Morgan Rothschild Academy Kindergarten Room Teacher

1 comment:

  1. Learning while you are teaching is a great idea, especially in different culture environment. Living in Shanghai to feel its ture culture will be a benifit in the future for the logical thinking and multi-language career!
