Friday, August 12, 2011

Teacher Feedback from our Kindergarten Room Teacher

Future MRA Teachers,

Coming to China and to teach at Morgan Rothschild Academy was one of the biggest decisions of my life. After being here since April 2008, I can also say it is one of my greatest decisions. Throughout my time in Shanghai, I have learned a lot about myself and much about an entire culture that was unknown to me. The children at Morgan Rothschild Acdemy are amazing and have taught me how to enhance my teaching skills and strengthen my lessons and style to fit ESL learners. Teaching is something I cherish and hold very close to my heart, and at Morgan Rothschild Academy I have had the opportunity to be creative and explore subjects I would not be able to in an American school.

Shanghai is amazing! I have met many people from all around the world and have even caught on to many words in the Chinese language. This is an amazing opportunity and a direction every teacher should take before settling down in America.

Hope to see you in Shanghai!
Tabitha Legleiter, 2008-2009 Morgan Rothschild Academy Kindergarten Room Teacher

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Morgan Rothschild Academy proudly sponsored the 2011 AmCham Shanghai 4th of July Celebration

In this summer, Morgan Rothschild Academy was among the top three sponsors of the 2011 Independence Day Celebration organized by the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai. The link to the AmCham Celebration website:

We had been setting up arts and crafts booth during the 4th of July Celebration in the past year. Every year before the 4th of July, the American Chamber of Commerce will hold a carnival style celebration of the Independence Day in Shanghai. The venue for this year celebration was at the Changfeng Ecology Business District Park.

The weather was awesome with plenty of sunshine. There were tons of activities for the children and adults. Live music and free flow of food and drinks were all over the park. It was an exciting and fun-filled afternoon. At the carnival, we also bumped into several families from Morgan Rothschild Academy such as Adele and Claire Zheng, and, Koki and Ayano Endo. Since the student body of Morgan Rothschild Academy consists of students from the U.S, Japan, Switzerland, Germany, France and et cetera, we think it would be nice for our school to actively participate in the activities of different cultures.

Following is a letter from the American Chamber of Commerce.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Feedback from our 2011 Morgan Rothschild Academy German Family

Dear Mr. Morgan,

My wife and I want to thank you for taking care of our sons Jacob and Johann during the past 3 years, we really had chosen the right academy.
They were happy all the time, learned a lot and most important they always wanted to join Kindergarden the next day.
We appreciated very much your professional communication for any task or issue.
Best Regards

Hermann S.

Summer Fun at Morgan Rothschild Academy Part 2

Every summer at Morgan Rothschild Academy, we have a summer program called Summer Camp Frolic. It is a drop off program from 9 am to 330 pm. The camp this year runs from 4th of July to 26th of August.

Program activities include Field trips, English & Mandarin Immersion, science, creative art projects, group games, clay, swimming, B.B.Q., roller blade, museum exploration, Kung Fu, Chinese ink painting, modern dance and many more!
Instead of just staying on Morgan Rothschild Academy campus, we go our very often for fun!

For example, we went to the clubhouse at Forest Manor Clubhouse for swimming. This year, we have half of the students from outside of Morgan Rothschild Academy. We even have children of senven- to eight-year-olds to join us for the Chinese and English immersion classes.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Summer Fun at Morgan Rothschild Academy

Summer Fun at Morgan Rothschild Academy Part 1

Every summer at Morgan Rothschild Academy, we have a summer porgram running.
The name is Summer Camp Frolic with two age groups, the younger one is Messy Hands Camp, and
the older group is called Early Readers Camp.
With the academics aside, WATER activities are the most important part of our camp!

Nothing but fun to all of you!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Morgan Rothschild Summer Camp Frolic Newsletter Messy Hands August

Morgan Rothschild Academy

August 2011 Newsletter

Messy Hands  Ë  Ms. Courtney L.

Dear Parents,

It has been great getting to know and interacting with your children thus far in our Morgan Rothschild Academy Summer Camp!  Our “Messy Hands” classroom has been full of old and new friends J  Last month we enjoyed learning about animals at the zoo, as well as fish and all their habitats.  We also went on two exciting field trips where the children enjoyed swimming and splashing at the pool, as well as hands on activities at the Science and Technology Museum!


This month’s themes will focus on “Bouncing Bubbles” and “Circus Celebration.”  We also have some exciting field trips planned to the Swimming Pool and Aquarium.  Details will be sent home in advance, so please remember to check your child’s backpack!

Please see below for this month’s activities/lessons:

Phonics:  Letters P,p, N,n, E,e; Sounds:  ck; Vocabulary- pig, spin, cup, pop, puff, neck, nip, hand, man, net, click, clock, cat, kitten, egg, elf, end, well, hen

Art:  Bubble Prints, Bubble Stamping, Clown Face Masks, Circus Hats

Music:  “Here’s a Bubble”, “Circus Animals”

Cooking:  Bubble Beverage, Coke Floats, Popcorn Ball, Rice Krispy Treats

Mathematics/Science:  Sorting, Sets, Matching, Numbers, Counting, Bubble Explosion, Air Bubbles, Body Parts, Sizzle Fun

Show and Tell:  Bubble Makers/Wands (8/3), Pajamas (8/10), Favorite Toy (8/17), Favorite Hat (8/24) 

Looking forward to sharing this fun month with you and your children! 

-Ms. Courtney

Song Lyrics for the Month of August

“Here’s a Bubble”

Here’s a bubble, here’s a bubble.  Big and round, big and round.  See it floating gently, see it floating gently.  To the ground, to the ground.

“Circus Fun”

One little, two little, three little clowns

Four little, five little, six little clowns

Seven little, eight little, nine little clowns

Ten clowns at the circus!

Morgan Rothschild Summer Camp Frolic Newsletter Early Readers

 Morgan Rothschild Academy

August 2011

Early Readers Classroom  Ë  Ms. Kristen G.     

We are beginning our last 4 weeks of summer school, and we have some fun learning experiences planned for your child! Our theme for this month will be communities. We will be learning, writing and reading about people in or community, how we are parts of our community, and what being in a community is all about. We have special activities going on each week:

              Ë    Water Play- Swimming- Field trip to the Aquarium   Ë

(Please see curriculum for the exact dates of these events)


                                     Song Lyrics for the Month

Boom Chicka Boom                                            

I said a boom chicka boom

                                  I said a boom chicka boom

I said a boom chicka boom

                                   I said a boom chicka boom

I said a boom chicka rocka, chicka rocka, chicka boom

                                   I said a boom chicka rocka, chicka rocka, chicka boom

Uh huh

                                  Uh huh

Oh Ya

                                    Oh Ya

One more time only… (slowly, faster, silly, louder, quieter…)


English Lessons- Jolly Phonics- Book 5,6,7 and Review: Practice sounds and actions, learn to write letters and form words. Practice letter and word recognition.

Sight Words- Here, to, my, she, one, two, three, do, from, me, of, said, for, what, was.

Journal Writing- Practice letter and word formation, question and answer writing, group journaling, individual journaling.

Guided Reading- “Pop, Pop, Pop”, “Washington, DC”, “Get Set, Go!”, “Ming the Messenger”, “Catch That Bus!”

Science and Math- Grow grass, Shadow Experiments, Sun S’mores, Edible subtraction, cloud drawings.

Art- Tie-Dye T-shirts, Dream catchers, sun catchers, bug wind catchers

Music- These are the people in your neighborhood, One Bottle of Pop- Round

Sport- Relay Races, Obstacle Course, Musical Chairs, Game Day

Feedback from 2010 Morgan Rothschild Graduate from Japan

Feedback from our 2010 graduate family from Japan

Kannas learning experience at Morgan Rothschild Academy
How time flies! We really miss school, teachers, stuffs, and Shanghai.
My daughter has stayed at Morgan Rothschild Academy for three years and had wonderful time.
Every teacher and stuffs are well loving and my daughter always felt she is very special to them.
School has very well organized curriculum, so my daughter can only not speak three languages but also understand how to read and write. What I impressed the most is Progress note send from teacher every day. My daughter has over twenty Progress note and these notes are our treasure.
I hope that Mr. Morgan establishes school in Japan soon!!

Mother of Kanna Sakaguchi, Japan

Teacher Feedback from our Toddler Room Teacher

Teacher Feedback from our Toddler Room Teacher

My name is Kelly Rumohr. I am a recent graduate from Central Michigan University. Currently, I am teaching at Morgan Rothschild Academy in Shanghai, China. I never thought my life would be impacted so much. I am not only a teacher at this school I am also a student. There is not a day that goes by that I do not learn something that I will keep with me for the rest on my life. By teaching here I have had the chance to make such an impact on so many children’s lives. The children at the Morgan Rothschild Academy are so diverse. Working here I have been able to learn about culture in China as well as teach my own. It is so amazing to work with so many children from around the world. The staff at the Morgan Rothschild Academy is kind, caring and always willing to lend a helping hand.

Working at the Morgan Rothschild Academy has been incredibly rewarding as well as life changing. Not only is this teaching experience both challenging and rewarding it is also an opportunity for travel. While working here I have also had time to travel outside of Shanghai to the Sanqing Mountains, visit surrounding cities such as Nanjing, Hangzhou, and travel to Beijing to see The Great Wall. This is definitely an opportunity of a life time and I would recommend it to anyone with the passion to teach and the interest to see the world!

Kelly Rumohr
2008-2009 Toddler Room Teacher

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

July Newslette for 2011 Messy Hands Camp at Morgan Rothschild Academy

Morgan Rothschild Academy
July 2011 Newsletter
Messy Hands Ë Ms. Courtney L.

Dear Parents,

I want to welcome you and your children to this year’s Morgan Rothschild Academy Summer Camp Frolic! We have a lot of exciting activities/events planned for the months of July and August—including swimming, field trips, an outdoor barbeque, and fun learning opportunities involving water play and arts/crafts.

This summer’s lessons/activities will revolve around various themes changing every two weeks. This month’s themes will begin with “Zany Zoo Animals” and end with “Fantastic Fish.” We will also have “Show and Tell” every Wednesday, so please review the curriculum to find out what the theme is for the current week.

Please see below for this month’s activities/lessons:

Phonics: Letters S,s, A,a, T,t, I,i; Vocabulary- sun, sand, nest, spots, snake, apple, man, jam, hat, ant, top, tin, cat, nut, tennis, ink, ill, sit, hill, lip
Art: Insect collage, Father’s Day footprints, Rainbow Fish, You’re My Sunshine portraits
Music: “Sally the Camel”, “I’m a Little Fish”
Cooking: “Animals on Grass”, “Ants on a Log”, “Swimming Fish”, “Tuna Salad”
Mathematics/Science: Sorting, Sets, Numbers, Counting, Animal Habitats, Animal Skins, Water Play
Activities/Field Trips: Outdoor Barbeque (7/8), Swimming (7/15), Aquarium Field Trip (7/29)

Looking forward to sharing this fun month with you and your children!

-Ms. Courtney:

Song Lyrics for the Month of July

“Sally the Camel”

Sally the camel has five humps, Sally the camel has five humps, Sally the camel has five humps

So ride, Sally, ride

Boom, Boom, Boom

Sally the camel has four humps…three humps…two humps…one hump…

* “Boom” matches the number of “humps” Sally has *

Sally the camel has no humps, Sally the camel has no humps, Sally the camel no humps

Because Sally is a horse of course!

Morgan Rothschild Academy visited by National Association of Independent Schools from the US

In the summer of 2008, Morgan Rothschild Academy was honored to receive a group of educators from National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) in the USA.

NAIS represents approximately 1,400 independent schools and associations in the United States, and affiliates with independent schools abroad as well.

Mr. Jay Rapp, the Director of Programs, Equity and Justice Initiatives, from NAIS, wrote about his impression of Morgan Rothschild Academy, was then know as Morgan Rothschild Childcare Center.

I was happy to share my educational philosophy and the vision of our shcool with Mr. Rapp.

For those of you who cannot access the link, I have attached his article below about his

trip to Morgan Rothschild Academy:


Diary Day 3, Delegation for Diversity 2008: China and Taiwan

By: Jay Rapp
Published: August 5, 2008
Updated: August 5, 2008

Yet another early morning. This morning I was up by 4:00 a.m. unable to go back to sleep. This works well in terms of being able to call home but is difficult in terms of fully functioning throughout our long day. At breakfast we were regaled with stories from colleagues who attended the Shanghai Circus. Those who went unanimously agreed that it was an unbelievable show rivaling Cirque de Soleil. It made me wish I had gone.

After breakfast we headed to our first stop, the Morgan Rothschild Childcare Center. This unique childcare facility was founded by University of Michigan and Harvard graduate, Morgan Huang. Morgan began his career as a financial analyst during the dot com boom and was very successful. After several years in the field he decided that a career in finance wasn’t as rewarding as he’d hoped so he spent the next year doing some important soul searching deciding what he’d like to do. During that year he spent three months working at a friend’s pre-school and loved every minute of it.

“It was the first time I looked forward to going to work every day,” Morgan admits. With this experience behind him he decided that he wanted to continue his studies with a clear goal in mind, opening a pre-school in China. In order to better prepare himself to realistically achieve this goal he applied and was accepted to Harvard’s Graduate School of Education where he completed his master’s degree in 2004.

It quickly became apparent that Morgan is an amazing man. He immediately comes across as kind hearted, unassuming, deferential, and humble. It is also important to note that Morgan is Taiwanese. After finding this out, several hands went up amongst our delegates asking the same question we were all thinking, “Why didn’t you open a childcare center in Taiwan?” Morgan sites two important reasons for this, one was that Morgan felt that the market in Taiwan was saturated and that there was a greater need and greater possibilities in China. The second more practical reason was that his mother had relocated to Shanghai to open what has become an extremely successful restaurant. It took Morgan more than a year of cutting through red tape before he was finally able to make his dream a reality.

There are several things that make Morgan’s childcare center unique in the heart of Shanghai. Perhaps the most noteworthy is that his curriculum is based on English immersion with 70 percent of the curriculum being communicated in English and 30 percent communicated in Chinese. By Chinese standards, the school is quite small with only 60 students enrolled for this fall. Most Chinese pre-schools have 500 plus students. His average class size is 10 students with three teachers, one certified teacher from the United States and two Chinese teachers. Just walking through the building, which Morgan designed himself, you get the impression that this is a special place. Colorful walls adorned with student pictures and artwork along with hallways with facades that replicate a quaint neighborhood and garden make this a warm and welcoming environment to both students and their families.

Yet another aspect of Morgan’s school that makes this a unique environment is his desire to include parents in the learning process. Daily progress reports are sent home with an opportunity for parents to respond and add their input for teachers to read the following day. When asked how many students he would ultimately like to have Morgan modestly said 80 stating that any more than that and he wouldn’t be able to remember the names of all his students and their family members, something that is very important to him in maintaining an intimate and rewarding learning environment.

As we were nearing the end of our visit, one of our participants asked how he came up with the name Morgan Rothschild. I found the answer gave yet another look into the soul of this wonderful man. As the group learned, Chinese people believe that the sons and daughters of wealthy families will eventually in subsequent generations be corrupted by their family’s glory and wealth. The Rothschild family however, a well known American banker family, have been successful and philanthropic for over 200 years. As an educator, Morgan hopes his students will follow in the steps of this wealthy American family that has defied the odds, as it were, and experience similar success.

Energized and inspired, we said our good-byes and boarded the bus for yet another meal that Donald promised would not disappoint. Entering an ancient section of Shanghai known as Qibao, we were led to a local restaurant where we would have lunch. Before sitting down at the table however, Donald encouraged us to explore the narrow alleyways filled with the sights and smells of vendors selling local delicacies and souvenirs. I have to admit that crowded allies filled with local smells combined with the heavy humidity overwhelmed my senses sending our small group back to the restaurant for some cool air and water.

Lunch was definitely an experience as the entire delegation sat down at three tables and began to order. While the pictures on the menu certainly helped, I have to give credit to my colleagues whose knowledge of Chinese saved the day. Dividing themselves between tables my colleagues Bruce Berk, Derryfield School; Holly Carter, Northeastern University; Mark Corliss, Tabor Academy; Doris Lin, Phillips Brooks School; and Fang Luan, St. Alcuin Montessori School helped the rest of us make sense of the menu. Bruce, who was at my table, did a wonderful job of ordering a variety of dishes fit for a king. We did get a little worried when they brought out the third bowl of fried rice and the forth bowl of noodles but it had all been devoured by the time we’d gotten up from the table.

Back on the bus we headed to our next appointment at the Fudan-Vanke Experimental Private School (VKS) where we were greeted by the board chair, Mr. Wang Jie Fang, and principal, Shelley Chen. Like Shanghai’s Gold Apple School, VKS is committed to a curriculum that blends East and West. Founded in 1996 by a former Fudan University president and well known scientist, the school forged a relationship with a large, well known, local real estate company called Vanke that had developed much of the neighborhood where the school is located. Thus, the name: Fudan-Vanke.

The school caters to 1,400 first through ninth graders occupying three buildings that possess dorms, classrooms, science labs, and dance and music facilities. Approximately 1,000 of those students come from mainland China, with 400 students coming from surrounding countries in Southeast Asia. Surprisingly, their entire boarding population is made up of students from mainland China.

The school offers four programs in an attempt to meet the varying needs of the academically diverse population. Program A is designed for native Mandarin speakers. Program B is designed for students who are fluent in Mandarin yet possess some English ability. Program C, only two years old, is for students that possess spoken ability in Mandarin and/or English but have weak writing skills. Program D is reserved for local students fluent in Mandarin based on local Shanghai curriculum. The ultimate goal of the school is to provide students with a world curriculum taught by both Western and Chinese teachers that work hard to communicate both language skills and culture.

Fudan-Vanke has done a wonderful job organizing and promoting educational exchanges throughout the world with established programs in Korea, Singapore, Japan, Britain, and the U.S. Most recently they have added the Blake School in Minnesota and Head Royce in the San Franciso Bay area to the list of schools with whom they have exchange programs. What is truly amazing is that these exchanges begin with students in the third grade.

Heading back to the hotel, I was looking forward to a quiet evening after a long day. However, with only one day remaining in our stay in Shanghai, many in the delegation were planning to rally their energy to explore a little more of all that the city offers.