Friday, May 2, 2014

Nursery May 2014 Newsletter

Last month we enjoyed getting ready for the SpringConcert.  For the concert we sang anddanced to Mary had a Little Lamb and The Bear went over the Mountain.  For the Finale all the classrooms danced toTwist and Shout.  In April we alsocelebrated lots of birthdays.  Maja,Alexander, Christopher, Vincent and Enya had their birthdays last month.  The favorite lesson of the month was dancingto the song Animal Action.  The childrengo to pretend to be ducks, lions and bees.
Alexander doesunexpected things all the time.  Theother day he ran towards me really fast and nearly knocked me over.  He said, “I am a car and go really fast.”Ashlee loves to help clean up.  I told everyone it was time to cleanup.  Ashlee ran to help clean-up but everythingwas cleaned up.  Ashlee was so sad thatshe could not help. Ms. Pan and Ms. Renee were dancing to the songs for theSpring Concert and Chio got up andstood next to us and began dancing with us. Chio loves to dance. Christopher was very tired, almostfalling asleep, and was sitting in the house wearing a chef hat and a doll anda phone in the other hand.  He lookedlike he was so exhausted taking care of his baby doll. Enya’s was playing in the jump room.  She picked up her favorite block and gaveit  to me.  She thinks it is very important to share. Jessica sat in the front of theclassroom and sat like a teacher holding the book and pointing at thepictures.  Other children came and satwith her to look at the book. Katie wassitting at the table and Mayu brought her a toy phone.  Katie picked up the phone and had quite along conversation then handed the phone back to Mayu.  Mayuloves to help everyone in the classroom.  Whenever someone is sador needs something Mayucomes and gets me and brings me to her friend.  Majalikes to play in the play house outside. She says, “Find me!” She hides and waits for me to find her.  Noahlovesto sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.  Oneday I let him sit in my chair in front of the class and sing it.  Stanleyand Ronald really likes to play the drums with his friends.  One day they beat on the drum and sang happybirthday with Ms. Pan. During work time Vincentreally enjoys playing with the balloons we have hanging from the ceiling in ourclassroom.   He points at them and tellsme what colors they are. Quasar likesto play with small blocks in our classroom. She builds little houses and towers and puts toys in them. Ziyin sang the first words of a songthis month. She said, “B. I. N. G. O!”

5 Green and Speckled Frogs
5 green and speckled frogs sitting on a speckledlog
Eating some most delicious bugs
Yum yum
1 jumped into the pool
Where it was nice and cool
Now there are
4 green and speckled frogs
Glub glub
Sitting on a speckled log
Eating some most delicious bugs
Yum yum
1 jumped into the pool
Where it was nice and cool
Now there are
3 green and speckled frogs
Glub glub
Now there are no green speckled frogs

Important Dates
No School: May1 and May 2
Mayu: May 5
Neo: May 6
Ziyin: May 14
Chio: May 23
Parent TeacherConferences:
May 27 and 28

Toddler May 2014 Newsletter

I hopeeveryone enjoyed the Spring Concert at Morgan Rothschild Academy!  Thank you to everyone that came to watch thechildren perform! The Toddler Room worked extra hard on their songs and dances!I am very proud of all they accomplished and I hope you are too! It’s hard tobelieve our school year is coming to a close!
I have a newphone number… yes again! My new number is 137-6471-6014.

Class Updates
Well, there is never a dull moment inthe Toddler Room! Finnegan and Neo keep each other company in the artarea.  They share markers and reallyencourage each other.  Recently, Lion,Eden and Gabriel have been playing UltraMan. The boys run around the playground fighting bad guys!  Serena and Anagha have been spending quite abit of time in the house.  The girlsenjoy sitting and chatting about their day. Fishing has been a new and exciting thing in our classroom!  Hima, Sara, Sara S. and Shodai have been“catching fish,” and passing them out to their friends to eat! Daniel Hu,Daniel and Kai have made some pretty extravagant train tracks around theclassroom.  The boys have a great jobbuilding together.  Rino and ShaSha havebeen busy collecting leaves and flowers during outdoor time. Usually, they havequite the collection!

Therewas a farmer who had a dog,
And Bingo was his name-o.
And Bingo was his name-o.
Therewas a farmer who had a dog,
And Bingo was his name-o.
And Bingo was his name-o.
Therewas a farmer who had a dog,
And Bingo was his name-o.
And Bingo was his name-o.
Therewas a farmer who had a dog,
And Bingo was his name-o.
And Bingo was his name-o.
Therewas a farmer who had a dog,
And Bingo was his name-o.
And Bingo was his name-o.
Therewas a farmer who had a dog,
And Bingo was his name-o.
And Bingo was his name-o

Important Dates
May 11 –Mother’s Day
May 23 and26 – Parent Teacher Conferences
May 25–Ms. Stacie’s Birthday

Preschool May 2014 Newsletter

It was greatto see all of the parents who came to the Spring Concert.   Thank you all for coming.  Your children worked so hard to learn theirsongs and dances. 
We arestarting to work on phonetic spelling of words and short sight-word books willbe going home every week now for your child to practice and keep at home.  These books consist of the most frequentlyused words in the English language so practicing them will really help yourchild become an excellent reader.
Summer campsign up will begin shortly as well. Please let us know if you are interested in having your child(ren )enrolled in the program.  We acceptweekly enrollment as well.
Always feelfree to contact me by phone (13764743020), email (, orwechat (c3clark3).

Class Updates
As always, this month our classroom’s favourite song was Let it Go.  Only, we discovered there is a version sungin many languages.  Lisa and Ann wereexcited to hear the part in Japanese and kept asking if the other parts wereSpanish!  We read some books on weatherand Tornados became a big hit in our classroom! Kai and Jack built houses andthen had a tornado come and break them down. Apple and Angela are wonderful little artists colouring such beautifuland detailed pictures.  Riku, Kai, andEmily W have started collecting leaves on the playground because it is rabbitfood.  Nanding was so excited to tell usall about her upcoming trip to America…and more importantly about all theDisney Princesses she will see!  Jackalways wants to sing Slipper Fish in the hallway and goes around singing it allthe time.  Aston, Jules, and Lucas havestarted building huge houses out of blocks during naptime and hiding in them.  Florentina and Emily Z do such a nice job sharing their reading books with eachother. 

London Bridge
London Bridge is falling down, fallingdown, falling down,
London Bridge is falling down, my fairlady!

Build it up with iron bars, iron bars,iron bars,
Build it up with iron bars, my fairlady!

Iron bars will bend and break, bend andbreak, bend and break,
Iron bars will bend and break, my fairlady!

Here’s a prisoner I have caught, I havecaught, I have caught,
Here’s a prisoner I have caught, my fairlady!

Take the keys and lock him up, lock himup, lock him up,
Take the keys and lock him up, my fairlady!

Important Dates
May 1-May 4- No School (May Holiday)
May 11- Mother's Day
May 14- Field Trip
May 21- Preschool Conference Day 1
May 22- Preschool Conference Day 2

Kindergarten May 2014 Newsletter

I can’t believe how close we are to the end of the schoolyear! We truly have had a wonderful time in the Kindergarten classroom so far!Thank you to all who came to the Spring Concert! We had so much fun performingfor you!
If you haveany questions through out the rest of the school year feel free to contact me.My phone number is 13774412701 and I am also on We Chat. Or my email address Iwould be happy to answer any questions you may have!

Class Update
Asusual Kindergarten has been very busy in our classroom! Willy, Ken, and Davidhave been very busy on the carpet playing good guys bad guys.  Penelope, Doreen and Florence have been verycreative in the art area making new artwork for me to hang around in theclassroom. Toby has been teaching others how to draw during work time. Zoe andFlorence have been singing Frozen whenever they get the chance. Doreen has beenvery excited about drawing tie-dye with me in art. Arthur and Yolanda have beendrawing outside with the chalk and even play tic tac toe outside! Kylie andMeika have been creating different towers and patterns with the dominos! Thechalk as always is very popular.

Little Panda
Little Panda sits in her bamboo tree,
Eating all the bamboo she can eat.
“Why little Panda, why little panda?”
“I’m growing and changing, you see!”

Little Panda sits in her bamboo tree,
Curious about the things she sees.
“Why little Panda, why little panda?”
“I’m growing and changing, you see!”

Little Panda sits in her bamboo tree,
She can explore among the leaves.
“Why little Panda, why little panda?”
“I’m growing and changing, you see!”

Little Panda sits in her bamboo tree,
How much does she weigh now, let’s see.
“Why little Panda, why little panda?”
“I’m growing and changing, you see!”

Little Panda sits in her bamboo tree,
Climbing and playing to be healthy.
“Why little Panda, why little panda?”
“I’m growing and changing, you see!”

Important Dates
May 2: Florence’s Birthday
May 11: Mothers Day
May 19-20: Kindergarten Conferences
May 25: Miss Stacie’s Birthday