Monday, June 2, 2014

Toddler June 2014 Newsletter

Well, it’s the last newsletter before summer break! It’shard to believe we are entering the last month of the school year! I’ve hadsuch an amazing time getting to know and teach your children!
I would also like to thank everyone that attendedParent-Teacher Conferences. It was a great time to talk about your child’s lifeat school and to brag about all the wonderful things they have accomplished!
Again, if you have any questions, comments, or concernsplease do not hesitate to contact me! My new number is 137-6471-6014 and mye-mail

*Just a friendly reminder… Summer Camp Frolic startsJune 30! If you are interested, please contact the Morgan Rothschild Academyoffice for more information! Ms. Renee and I would be happy to have you with usthis summer! You can attend the full summer or choose per week!

The ToddlerRoom is always on the go at Morgan Rothschild Academy!  Serena, Anagha and Finnegan have enjoyedplaying doctor in the house.  They usethe stethoscope and the blood pressure cuff to make sure one another arehealthy.  The trucks have been popularbetween Eden, Daniel and Kai.  They fillthe backs of the trucks with blocks and roll all over the classroom.  Usually, destroying anything in their path! J Theice cream factory is a new area in our classroom.  Sara S., Shodai, and Hima have enjoyed samplingall of the ice cream cones and sharing them with friends and teachers!  The babies are still being looked after byour classroom moms, Sara, Rino and ShaSha. During work time, the girls make sure the babies are fed, rocked tosleep, and put to bed. JNeo has become our classroom enforcer. He does a great job helping his friendsremember the classroom rules!  Gabriel,Lion and Daniel Hu have been really been moving outside.  They run back and forth across the playgroundjumping and chasing Ms. Stacie! It is such a great game and we have a lot offun!

Oh, do you know themuffin man?
The muffin man, the muffinman!
Do you know the muffinman?
Who lives on Drury Lane?

Oh, yes I know themuffin man!
The muffin man, themuffin man!
Yes, I know the muffinman!
Who lives on Drury man!

June 2 – No School! (Dragon Boat Festival)
June 8 – Finnegan’s Birthday!
June 19 – End of the Year Potluck!
June 27 – Last day of school!
June 30 – Lion’s Birthday!

Preschool June 2014 Newsletter

With Mayending we are drawing near to the end of the school year.  It has been a wonderful year teaching yourchildren and watching them grow.  Also,thank you to all the parents for coming in during Parent Teacherconferences.  It was wonderful to see youall and discuss your child’s progress with you.
During June, wewill be working on a few last things to get your child ready forkindergarten.  We will continue learninghow to tell time using an analog clock and will work very hard on writing.
Parents,summer camp sign up is still going on. Ms. Stacie and Ms. Renee would love tosee your children here this summer.  Youcan sign your child up for the whole thing or, you can just pick certain weeks!  If you would like more information, pleasefeel free to ask!
Once again,it has been a pleasure teaching your children this year and while I will not betheir teacher next year, I look forward to seeing them back at MorganRothschild Academy and watching them continue to grow.

First of all, many of your children have impressed me with their readingskills this last month!  Apple and Angeladid an outstanding job during their first session of reading buddies!  Florentina was able to read Scaredy Cat allby herself after just in class practice! Emily Z, Kai, Lisa, Ann, and Aston are reading some of our beginningreader books on their own, demonstrating how many sight words they havelearned!  Lisa, Jules, and Riku haveenjoyed practicing our song Aiken Drum to the book we have in class.  Lucas and Jack have made huge improvementswith their writing over the course of the year and have both made our GreatWriters board in class! Emily W, Apple, Angela, and Nanding have really enjoyedour new music area and shopping area. Nanding also took the time to inform us all about the Disney Princessesshe saw on her America Trip. 
Once again, if you have any questions please feel free to contact me atany time!

 Take me out to the ball game,
Takeme out to the game!

Buyme some peanuts and cracker jacks,
Idon’t care if I never get back.

Forit’s root, root, root for the home team!
Ifthey don’t win it’s a shame!

Forit’s ONE, TWO, THREE strikes you’re out
Atthe old ball game!!!

June 2- Dragon Boat Festival (No School)
June 19- Graduation Ceremony
June 27- Last Day of School
June 30- First day of Summer Camp

Kindergarten June 2014 Newsletter

It is crazy to think we have entered into our last month ofschool. I have enjoyed every minute with your children and will miss them verymuch when our school year comes to the end. 
Remember we have our Summer Camp Frolic startingJune 30th and going all summer long! You can pay for the wholesummer or just picks week you would like to attend! Feel free to contact MRAfor more information. We would love to see your smiling faces there !

As always wehave been very busy in the Kindergarten classroom. We have added a hospitalarea into our classroom and it has been very popular. Kylie, Meika and Florencehave been very busy playing doctors to our class! Penelope and Doreen have beenworking in the art area drawing me new pictures everyday. Zoe has been teachingthe class all the words to Frozen and sings it everyday for us. We are happythat Yolanda has returned from her vacation! We had certainly missed her! Theboys, as always, have been on the go! Toby has been working with David drawingtanks and other cars. Willy, Ken and Arthur have been playing good guy bad guyon the carpet.  They have always beenbuilding just about everything with the blocks. This class has truly been agreat class and I wish nothing but the best for them in all their futureendeavors!


In the ocean, in the ocean there’s a whole new world to see,
I see fish, lots of fish,
Come and look at them with me.
In the ocean, in the ocean there’s a whole new world to see,
I see seaweed, lots of seaweed,
Come and look at it with me.
In the ocean, in the ocean there’s a whole new world to see,
I see starfish, lots of starfish,
Come and look at them with me.
In the ocean, in the ocean there’s a whole new world to see,
I see shells, lots of shells,
Come and look at them with me.

June 2: Dragon Boat Festival. No school!
June 19: Potluck & Graduation
June 27: Last day of School