Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Toddler March 2014 Newsletter

 It’s March! One month closer to the end of the schoolyear!  The progress your children aremaking, academically, emotionally and socially, is incredible!  Their English skills have improved and I seenew friendships have formed.  All of thisis exciting and rewarding for me and I hope the same for you!
My e-mail address is cummi1sl@gmail.comand my telephone number is 15000298304.

Our classroom has been busy as normal! The children enjoydancing to the song, “Karma Chameleon.” It is a great physical activity and thechildren enjoy dancing with their friends. Shodai, Daniel Hu, Sara S. and ShaSha have been busy cooking in thekitchen! They cut the vegetables and serve them to their friends.  Eden and Neo’s favorite thing in theclassroom is playing with the trucks. They fill the trucks with blocks and pushthem around the carpet.  Gabriel, Danieland Lion enjoy building train tracks. They work together to build the longest track they can! The baby dollsare well taken care of in our classroom, thanks to Rino and Sara! They feed thebabies and make them beds. Playing tag has become a popular activity in theballet room.  Finnegan, Hima and Anaghacontinually chase one another up and down the play structure.  Umi and Emily participate in many differentactivities in our classroom, as long as they can do them together! Serena’ssense of humor keeps our class laughing! She is making friends quickly in hernew classroom!

I'm bringing home my baby bumblebee
Won't my Mommy be so proud of me
I'm bringing home my baby bumble bee -
OUCH!! It stung me!!

I'm squishin' up my baby bumble bee
Won't my Mommy be so proud of me
I'm squishin' up my baby bumble bee -
EW!! What a mess!!

March 8- Sara’sBirthday!
March 17- Saint Patrick’s Day!

Preschool March 2014 Newsletter

February came and went so quickly!  We had so much fun finishing up our map project by making a giant world map!  Also, we welcomed a new friend into our classroom, Emily!
Since the majority of the class is able to identify all of the upper and lower caseletters, we will move onto our high frequency word practice from now on.  If you would like a copy of the first wordlist please let me know.

We will begin to spend extra time on our songs and dances for the Spring Concert next monthso if you would like copies of the songs, please let me know and I will get youthem.  We have been working hard sinceJanuary to learn the words to them and most of the class is now able to singthe words!  Now we just need to practiceour dances!

We will be introducing counting by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s.  Emily shared the names of all sevencontinents during our map project, which was great to hear!  Nanding, Lisa, and Emily did a wonderful joblistening to letter sounds and figuring out how to spell words based off of thesounds.  Riku, Lisa, and Ann have reallydancing around in the morning to the song “Let It Go” from the movieFrozen.  Kai shared about his trip to SriLanka during our Asia map lesson.  Astonquickly picked up on how to read a bar graph when we graphed our favouritehouses.  Jack worked very hard creatinghis favourite house (a house on stilts!). Lucas The whole class enjoyed ourchocolate graph lesson and our field trip to Chocolate Happy Land was a defintesuccess!! Lucas, Jules, Aston and Jack really loved the Transformers made outof chocolate and were able to tell me the names of all the transformers.  Lisa stood on a stage at Chocolate Happy Landand sand “If All The Raindrops” on her own. Once again, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free toreach me at any time via phone or email: c3clark3@hotmail.com

6 Little Ducks that I once knew;
fat ones, fair ones, thin ones too.
But the one little duck with the featheron his back,
He led the others with a Quack, Quack,Quack.
Quack, Quack, Quack--Quack, Quack,Quack.
He led the others with a Quack, Quack,Quack.
Down to the meadow they would go,
wibble, wobble, wibble, wobble,
Ho hum ho.
And the one little duck with the featheron his back,
He led the others with a Quack, Quack,Quack.
Quack, Quack, Quack--Quack, Quack,Quack.
He led the others with a Quack, Quack,Quack.
Home from the meadow they would go,
wibble, wobble, wibble, wobble,
To and fro.
And the one little duck with the featheron his back,
He led the others with a Quack, Quack,Quack.
Quack, Quack, Quack - Quack, Quack,Quack.
He led the others with a Quack, Quack, Quack    

March 17- St.Patrick’s Day
March 21-First Spring Concert Practice
March 28-Second Spring Concert Practice

Kindergarten March 2014 Newsletter

March is finally here and with it comes our halfway mark of the school year! It is crazy to think how much time has gone by! Everyday is an adventure with the students.

The Kindergarten really enjoyed our field trip to the Chocolate Museum this past month! I think we all wish we could go back!

If you have any questions through out the rest of the school year feel free to contact me. My phone number is 13564259126 and I am also on We Chat. Or my email address is toriemariesmith@gmail.com I would be happy to answer any questions you may have!


As always we have been very busy in our classroom! We are very happy Yolanda has come back from her vacation! AI, Doreen, Kylie, Florence, Meika and Zoe have been working on lots of art projects for around our room! Toby and Florence have been building with our train tracks all around the classroom. Penelope has been working in the art area on gluing pieces of paper together to make larger landscape projects. David, Willy, Arthur and Ken have been very active around the classroom. Some days they play on the carpet and others they choose to use the blocks as car parts or in sports games. Hana, Maori and Yolanda have been using our house area as a restaurant and cook lots of food for the class.

Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack
All dressed in black, black, black
With silver buttons, buttons, buttons
All down her back, back, back.
She asked her mother, mother, mother
for fifty cents, cents, cents
To see the elephants, elephants, elephants
Jump the fence, fence, fence.
They jumped so high, high, high
they reached the sky, sky, sky
And didn't come back, back, back

Till the 4th of July,

March 15: Yolanda’s Birthday
March 17: St. Patrick’s Day

March 19: Toby’s birthday