Saturday, November 16, 2013

Toddler November 2013 Newsletter

We have made it through another month of school! The school year seems to be flying by.  I am excited to say that friendships have been made in our classroom and we are learning new things about our friends every day! I hope this continues through the remainder of the school year!
We have recently started working on songs for our Christmas concert! We cannot wait to sing and dance for you in our reindeer costumes! 

Classroom Update
We would like to welcome our newest friend to the classroom; welcome Hima! Hima has made quick friends with Sara S. Sara S. has been very helpful in showing Hima our classroom and our daily routine.  Shodai, Daniel and Gabriel have been busy with the trains.  They enjoy building long tracks around the carpet area and seeing how long they can make the trains.  Anagha and Finnegan have become best friends.  Finnegan gets so excited to see Anagha walk through the door in the morning.  They play together whether they are running outside, or reading a book in the classroom.  Sara, Rino, and Violet keep themselves busy in the house area.  Cooking and caring for their baby dolls is almost a daily occurrence.  Umi and Emily stick together.  They enjoy singing and dancing whenever they have the chance! Eden is our classroom dinosaur.  Sometimes Eden recruits Lion and they chases the other children around the playground with a big ROAR! Lion is still singing! I can always count on him for back up during our music lessons! Neo is always busy in our classroom.  He likes to play with everyone.  Neo especially enjoys art and music.  ShaSha’s favorite part of the day is going outside!  She likes to wait at the top of the slide and singing, “We Will Rock You!” Each of the children have their own personalities and it is wonderful to see how well they all work together!

The Reindeer Pokey
You put your antlers in, you put your antlers out, you put your antlers in and you shake them all about!
You do the reindeer pokey and you turn yourself around! 
That’s what it’s all about!
You put your hooves in, you put your hooves out, you put your hooves in and you shake them all about!
You do the reindeer pokey and you turn yourself around! 
That’s what it’s all about!
You do the reindeer pokey! You do the reindeer pokey! 
You do the reindeer pokey and turn yourself around! 
That’s what it’s all about!
You put your red nose in, you put your red nose out, you put your red nose in and you shake it all about!
You do the reindeer pokey and you turn yourself around! 
That’s what it’s all about!
You put your bushy tail in, you put your bushy tail out, you put your bushy tail in and you shake it all about!
You do the reindeer pokey and you turn yourself around! 
That’s what it’s all about!

Important Dates

November 8 – Cake Factory Field Trip!
November 20 & 21 – Parent Teacher Conferences
November 26 – Rino’s Birthday!
November 28 – Thanksgiving!

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