Monday, October 24, 2011

Morgan Rothschild Academy Toddler Room May News 2009

The Toddler Room  has two birthday’s this month. We would like to say Happy Birthday to Mary on May 5th, and Taka on May 9th!

Time off  There will be no school Friday April 30th - May 4th at Morgan Rothschild Academy. Chinese government has declared these days as a national Shanghai Holiday. School will resume Wednesday May 5th. 

Spring Concert I would like to thank everyone for coming out to our fifth Annual Spring Concert at Morgan Rothschild Academy. All the students were so excited to show off their hard work. We had a ton of fun performing and hope you enjoyed the show!

Conferences: End of the year conferences are soon approaching at Morgan Rothschild Academy. The toddler room conferences will be held on May 20th and May 21st. I am excited to share/show the progress and growth each of your children has shown this year. If you have not signed up for a conference time, please contact us as soon as possible.
Mother’s Day! We would like to wish all our mother’s a Happy Mother’s Day.  Mother’s Day falls on May 9th this year.

M is for the many times you’ve hugged me.
O’s for the outstanding things you do.
M is all our memories together.
Mom, I’m so glad I have you!

One Song and One Poem to Practice English at Home:
Hokey Pokey
Hands on Shoulders

Ms. Katie.

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