Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Teacher Feedback from Morgan Rothschild Academy Preschool Room Teacher 2008-2009

Teacher Feedback from Morgan Rothschild Academy Preschool Room Teacher 2008-2009

My decision on coming to China and to teach at Morgan Rothschild Academy was a difficult one.  It meant leaving a tight knit family, friends, and a significant other.  I have been living and teaching in Shanghai for eight months and never regretted my decision on coming here.  The City is English friendly and extremely easy to navigate.  The language barrier is not a problem; I have already learned many words just from teaching at the school.  The culture’s history, values, and traditions are deeply rooted in the city and it has been a wonderful learning experience.    I also have gotten the opportunity to travel to other surrounding cities in China.  The knowledge that I will come home with will be priceless. 

       I am the preschool teacher and Morgan’s Rothschild Academy.  I thoroughly enjoy it, the children are wonderful!  They amaze me on how brilliant they are.  Some children can speak three languages!  The small class sizes at allows for more one-on-one interaction with each child.  I have really gotten to know each child’s personality and come to love them.  Morgan Rothschild Academy is bilingual and has English Speaking administration to help with anything I need at school and at home.  The other Chinese teachers are very helpful as well.  The Chinese teachers along with the other English teachers have become like family to me.    My ESL teaching experience in China and at Morgan Rothschild Academy has helped me become a better teacher and I feel I will be more valuable to future employers.

Sarah Verdeyen

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