Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Nursery April 2014 Newsletter

Last month we enjoyed getting to know our new student: Chio and celebrating lots of birthdays.
Ashlee, Quasar, and Jessica had their birthdays last month.  We also enjoyed learning new songs and dances for the spring concert.  We will be singing The  Bear Went Over the Mountain and Mary Had a Little Lamb for the concert.
The favorite lesson of the month was tasting a lemon and smelling it.
Alexander and Christopher are great friends, they love to sit in the play house outside and pretend to sell pizza to their friends and teachers. They often ride bikes together.  Ashlee is learning the sounds and words that go with different letters.  I told the class that K was for kite and Ashlee went and go the Kangaroo project we did the day before and said K is for Kangaroo Ms. Renee.  Chloe likes to copy what other people do.  Chloe pretends to talk on the toy phone and sometimes she pretends to text.  I asked her who she was talking to and she said mama. Enya’s new favorite word is jellyfish.  She sings a song with me that goes: jellyfish, jellyfish live in the sea, jellyfish, jellyfish swim to me, jellyfish!. Jessica is becoming interested in counting.  She showed me a book and tried to count the pictures of pigs in it.  When she was done showing me the book she said, “done.” Katie is very creative.  One morning she brought me a map.  I asked what kind of map is it?  She said, “treasure map.” Mayu has been getting to know the new children in class.  She pats them on the back and brings them toys.  Maja has learned the schedule for the day.  She can tell me, “first snack, then story, then play, then eat, then nap time, then snack, then mama comes.”  Noah has been helping in the shoe room.  He sees shoes and tries to take them to his friends.  Sometimes he tries to help put them on their feet. Ronald is expressing his wants with the words yes and no.  I ask him if he wants to sing a song and he will say, “yes!” or “no!” very seriously.
If he says no he will tell me the name of another song he wants to sing.
Stanley loves to share and give gifts, He shared a piece of fruit with Mayu.
One day he brought me a toy and gave it to me then gave me a hug.  Vincent
know that letters are part of the ABC song.
He saw a picture of a letter, he picked it up and said ABC. Ziyin is very friendly she waves and
smiles at the children from other classes as they walk down the hall. Quasar and Katie have become good friends they like to read stories and talk in the house.  Chio has been exploring the classroom and playing with new friends.  She is very independent and likes to do
things by herself.

Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb.
Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow.
Everywhere that Mary went, Mary went, Mary went.
Everywhere that Mary went the lamb was sure to go.
It followed her to school one day, school one day.
It followed her to school one day which was against the rules.
It made the children laugh and play, laugh and play, laugh and play.
It made the children laugh and play to see the lamb at school.

Here are just some of the fun things we will be doing in April.
Cooking: Fruit Kabobs
Music: Bunny Hop
Art:  Watermelon, Balloon Stamping
English:  The letters O, P, Q

Easter: April 20
Spring Concert: April 25
Tomb Sweeping: April 7 (Monday no school)

April 10 Enya
April 11 Christopher

Toddler April 2014 Newsletter

Another month has come and gone!  I feel like the time is flying by.  The children are working so hard practicing for the Spring Concert!  They decided on
two of their favorite songs! We will be singing, “Baby Bumblebee,” and “Animal
Action.” They are getting really good! If you would like the songs, I would be
more than happy to e-mail them to you. All of the children are excited to show
off their hard work!

The hustle and bustle of our classroom still remains! We have said good-bye to great friends and welcomed new ones.  Recently, the art area has become a hot spot for many of the children.  Gabriel, Neo, Finnegan and Hima draw numerous pictures for their momma’s!  One of our new favorite games is Duck, Duck, Goose. 
Shodai is so fast, no one can catch him! ShaSha enjoys being it and cheering for her friends.  Serena has become an all-star on the piano.  Her friends enjoy listening to her play!  Eden, Kai and Lion are blazing trails through our classroom on their knees. 
They are either racing their cars across the carpet or seeing how long they can make a train track.  Rino has become a great helper to the Toddler Room teachers.  She puts homework in mailboxes and helps
carry the coats to the classroom.  We really appreciate her help.  Daniel Hu and Anagha have become the best of friends. Playing together is a daily occurrence, whether it is running around the jump room or cooking up a meal in the kitchen.  Sara and Sara S. enjoy cooking in the kitchen.  They bring me some wonderful dishes that include; cheese, pizza and tomatoes.  Every day in our classroom is fun and exciting!

on everybody, come down to the
We’re going to do a dance like
the animals do!

Animal Action is so much fun!
Animal Action… Move like a

Animal Action is so much fun!
Animal Action… Move like a

Animal Action is so much fun!
Animal Action… Move like a

Animal Action is so much fun!
Animal Action… Move like a lion!Y

Animal Action is so much fun!
Animal Action… Move like a bee!

Animal Action is so much fun!
Animal Action… Move like a duck!

Animal Action is so much fun!
Animal Action, ooo yeah yeah!
Oh yeah!
Animal Action is so much fun!

Animal Action, ooo yeah yeah!

April 8 – Neo’s Birthday!
April 16 – Ms. Torie’s Birthday!
April 20 – Easter!
April 25 – M.R.A. Spring Concert!

Preschool April 2014 Newsletter

March was a fun month.  We went from having ten students to fourteen.  We welcomed Florentina back into preschool and Emily W Moved up from the Toddler Room.  We also welcomed Miao Miao and Jin Jin to MRA’s Preschool Room. 

During April we will be working very hard to prepare for Kindergarten with an extra emphasis
on writing and speaking.  We will continue with our first 30 sight words but also start introducing new words.
Please let me know if there is anything in particular you would like me to spend time
covering to prepare your child for their move to Kindergarten.
I hope to see you all at the concert at the end of the month! 
Always feel free to contact me by phone (13764743020), email
(, or wechat (c3clark3).

We have been spending a lot of time practicing counting by 5’s and it is
impressive how well the children have picked this up. Florentina and Emily Z
did an outstanding job learning our concert songs in under two weeks!  Jin Jin and Miao Miao did a wonderful job with the dances on their second day!
Emily Z, Florentina, and Nanding have really enjoyed pretending to own a
store and use money to shop at it.  Riku has taken his job as teacher helper very seriously and really wants to be a teacher! Emily Z and Kai are now reading books on their own with no help!  Nanding, Kai, Emily Z, Lisa, Ann, and Aston have already learned almost all of our first thirty sight words.  Jack is now able to string together words in English and say sentences!  Jules and Lucas are really enjoying our Non-Fiction books about animals.  Emily W has enjoyed making many new friends,be specially Kai, in the preschool room.
They have many questions and remember the answers.  The whole class has enjoyed using our
magnetic words to create sentences on the board; learning that periods mean the
sentence has ended and capital letters go at the start of the sentence.

Five green and speckled frogs
Sat on a speckled log,
Eating some most delicious bugs (yum
One jumped into the pool
Where it was nice and cool
Then there were four green speckled
frogs (glub glub)

Repeat with four, three, and two frogs.

One green and speckled frog
Sat on a speckled log
Eating some most delicious bugs (yum yum)
He jumped into the pool
Where it was nice and cool
Now there are no green speckled frogs!

April 3- Florentina’s Birthday
April 7- No School
April 11-Spring Concert Dance Practice
April 16-First Spring Concert Dress Rehearsal
April 21-Final Spring Concert Practice
April 25-Spring Concert

Kindergarten April 2014 Newsletter

April is finally here! Kindergarten is very excited for the
Spring Concert because we have been working very hard on our song and poem! The
students are looking forward to sharing all their hard work  with you.
 you have any questions through out the rest
of the school year feel free to contact me. My phone number is 13564259126 and
I am also on We Chat. Or my email address is I would
be happy to answer any questions you may have! 

As usual Kindergarten has been very busy in our classroom! Toby has been very busy
making paper airplanes! Willy, Ken, and David have been using their imagination
and coming up with different scenarios to act out on the carpet.  Arthur has been all over the classroom! He plays in a different area almost every day. Yolanda and Kylie have been very
busy in the house! Sometimes they are cats and other times they are the baby and
Mom. Penelope, Doreen and Florence have perfected the art of coloring tie-dye and make new drawings almost daily. Zoe has been singing Frozen for the class everyday and we love it!  The whole class enjoys listening to Frozen and having conversations about the movie as well!

Here is my little garden,

Some seeds I'm

Going to sow.

Here is my rake

To rake the ground,

Here is my handy hoe.

Here is the big

Round yellow sun,

The sun warms everything.

Here are the rain clouds

In the sky,

The birds will start to sing.

Little plants will

Wake up soon,

And lift their sleepy heads.

Little plants will

Grow and grow

From their warm earth beds.

April 7: Tomb Sweeping Holiday NO SCHOOL
April 16: Ms. Torie’s Birthday
April 20: Easter
April 25: Spring Concert