Saturday, October 5, 2013

Nursery October 2013 Newsletter

September went by quick as the children became acquainted to the daily schedule and routine. During September we learned the ABC song and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Vincent has taken on the role of leading the way with the movements to our songs while Katie makes sure we get the words right. Speaking of music, Noah and Selena have quite enjoyed the musical instruments during work time while Enya and Ashlee have found great joy in playing dress up. Jessica has also learned the movements to the different songs quite well and can be found dancing along often. During work time Stanley and Christopher tried on numerous occasions to build the tallest block building they could possibly build and enjoyed watching the blocks fall. Chloe enjoyed finger painting day and made two fish, while Mayu was a bit hesitant to get paint on her fingers although she did eventually join in. Selina made a beautiful self portrait during arts and crafts and William joined the class late, but has seemed to form a connection with Christopher and also enjoys blocks during work time.

For the month of October we will be working on learning the movements and words to Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes and continuing with our practice of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star for the Winter Concert. This month we will be working on the Letter’s B and C as we finish our letter B collage and move on to the letter C. The children will also be learning about primary colors during arts and crafts time. We have red table discovery day coming up this month and more finger painting. Thanks to all who participated in the potluck.

Songs and Books for the Month
-Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
-The Grouchy Lady Bug
-The Very Quiet Cricket.

Important Dates
-No school first week of October for October Holiday
-October 20thNoah’s Birthday.