Sunday, June 30, 2013

Morgan Rothschild Academy Toddler Room News January 2013

January Plan at Morgan Rothschild

January will have an exciting start in the Toddler class.  We will have fun discussing everyone’s holiday travels, or time at home as the case may be.  January will also bring us to the all-important topic of feelings.  We will begin discussing how to identify and discuss feelings with others and we will talk about how to express extreme emotions at Morgan Rothschild Academy.


We will continue on learning our alphabet letters Oo through Tt and expanding our alphabet dictionary.  Our work with practicing full sentences and understanding rhyming will still be on our list of focuses.  We are looking forward to a fun and educational month leading up to the Chinese New Year!


January Birthdays at Morgan Rothschild

Lisa will be celebrating her 4th Birthday on January 19th, which she is very much looking forward to!  Hugo will also arrive to the Toddler Room just in time to celebrate his 3rd Birthday on January 24th!


Good Luck, Julian!
December was our last little while with our friend Julian.  January brings a big move to Germany for him.  Though we will miss him, we know he will thrive in his new school and we hope he is as happy as ever there.