Thursday, May 23, 2013

Feedback from the CMU Child Development and Learning Lab Director On Morgan Rothschild Academy

I have known Morgan Huang for six years. During this time, he has visited Central Michigan University twice each year to recruit graduates from our Early Childhood Education program. China is a long way to travel for young people from the small town of Mt. Pleasant, MI. However, students soon begin to respond to Morgan’s request. As they spent their time in China I only heard wonderful things.


Last spring I was privileged to travel to China and visit the students and the Morgan Rothschild Academy. Morgan’s school was beautiful, clean and most of all child friendly. Each classroom was organized by the children’s age. The American teachers worked with the Chinese teachers to create a beautiful bilingual classroom experience. Morgan keeps the children to adult rations very low so each child gets the attention they need. I was excited to see that Morgan values many of the same things we do such as; parent involvement, creativity, and a multitude of experiences for the children.


Morgan was a wonderful host as we explored Shanghai, He is kind and caring to everyone including his employees. He is willing to help the teachers in everything they do. When talking with the teachers they expressed their gratitude to Morgan for letting them use the skills they learned in their college years and to grow as a teacher of young children.


I would not hesitate to recommend this opportunity to students, It is a wonderful once in a life time experience.



Margaret E. Desormes M.A.

Lab Director

Central Michigan University Child Development and Learning Lab

Mount Pleasant, Michigan 48859


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Morgan Rothschild Academy 2013 Toddler Room April News


April at Morgan Rothschild Academy

We started April off with a successful trip to the train museum!  Our toddlers had quite the long ride to the facility and were a little washed out, but recovered quickly as the first activity in the museum was the simulated train to Suzhou!  The kids were then able to trail through the museum, looking at pictures, displays, and diagrams. Hugo noticed the passports, saying, “I have of this passport!”  Myles and Riku got to simulate tracking rail cars onto a barge and Allegra and Jialin pretend to buy tickets!  After filling our head with information, we all went outside for a picnic lunch.  All the Toddlers enjoyed the trip and have been talking about it many times at school since.


This month awarded us the big accomplishment of finishing the alphabet at Morgan Rothschild!  We made it all the way to Z and will be celebrating with our piñata soon after we return form May Holiday.  We have expanded our knowledge about volcanoes and did an experiment to show how they erupt!  The whole class as been practicing their summersaults frequently during transition times, which has opened the door to doing yoga poses, or as Jacob like to refer to them, “Ultraman poses!” 


Welcome Umi!

April was also Umi’s first month with us and I know I can speak for all the Toddlers when I say we are so Happy that she’s joined us at Morgan Rothschild Academy!  Umi has made friends quickly.  She especially enjoys Allegra and Lisa’s company, but she plays with all of her new friends.  She also likes our sharing and story telling groups and playing in the pretend area.

Morgan Rothschild Academy Annual Spring Concert

The toddlers spent a lot of time this month working of learning their concert songs!  We danced and sang until our little hearts desire during our music and movement lessons.  Jules and Lisa particularly liked learning our choreography and took on strong leadership roles.  Learning our songs was fun, but making our costumes was even more so!  The class was able to participate in making their own costumes by painting handprints on them!  Myles, Nanding, and Umi really liked this art project!  On concert day our Toddlers were a bundle of excitement!  They all looked so cute and performed wonderfully!  Great Job, Toddlers and Thank You to all the parents who helped their toddler learn the songs at home and those who came to support their child at the MRA Spring Concert!!



May begins with a celebration of our Mothers!  The Toddlers will spend the week before Mother’s Day discussing how our mothers are special to us and how we appreciate them because they are so important! 

This month we will work on reviewing the alphabet, and adding vocabulary from A to Z to match our readings.  We will begin working more with letter sounds and pronunciation at Morgan Rothschild.

With the weather becoming warmer, we will be spending more time doing projects (art, science, sports) outside so enjoy the extra space and extra sun to help our learning grow. 

Our Toddlers are going to work on writing with new materials in the writing center and expanding our concepts of what writing can be used for. 

We are looking forward to a fun and warm month of May!