Thursday, February 7, 2013

Morgan Rothschild Toddler Room October News 2012

Morgan Rothschild Academy Toddler Room October News 2012


What a fast month it has been!  This October was short but sweet at Morgan Rothschild Academy.  We had a long vacation, celebrated many birthdays, went on our first field trip of the year, and got to celebrate Halloween!


The field trip to the Organic Farm was a big day for our toddler class.  It was all very exciting, even the bus ride to the farm was as fun as could be!  The favorite activity for all the kids was definitely picking tomatoes, followed closely by going to see the chickens, geese, and ducks!  Thank you to the parents who came to learn with us!


The children really enjoyed our Halloween festivities at Morgan Rothschild Academy, which included making bats, paper Jack-O-Lanterns, decorating small pumpkins with melted crayon and glitter, and carving a large Jack-O-Lantern as a class!  Allegra very much enjoyed her the small pumpkin project; taking care to pick out colors and painting the glitter onto her pumpkin very carefully with true artistic ambition.


The Jack-O-Lantern was a big hit with the entire class.  Shota and Jules especially enjoyed describing the smell, feel, and look of both the inside and outside of the pumpkin during our class investigation and discussion.

Jacob and Shota have taken a liking to our song called “Peanutbutter” and the whole class has enjoyed learning the B-I-N-G-O song.


The class is making progress on the Morgan Rothschild set goals.  Our letter recognition by sight and our vocabulary words are going very well.


November Plans

During November, we will talk about fall and winter.  Our art projects and story lines will match these topics.  Our goals of letter recognition, playing with new friends, and understanding rhyming still remain.  Our class will talk about all things that have to do with American Thanksgiving including tradition and foods.  We will be moving on to prepare for the Annual Morgan Rothschild Christmas and New Year Concert this month as well. (Very Exciting!)



We had many birthdays in October and we enjoyed celebrating each one! 

This November our friend Jules is turning 4 years old on the 17th!