Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Year End Farewell from Morgan Rothschild Academy

Nursery News 2012

School’s Over Already!

I am so sad to see the end of the year here at Morgan Rothschild Academy. I have really come to know your children so well and each of them has touched my life in ways that I cannot even measure. I love them and I’m so glad to have been their teacher. Unfortunately, I won’t be here next year but I will be at Morgan Rothschild until the end of the summer. Thank you to all parents for supporting me and our class. I couldn’t have been such a great teacher without your loving care and guidance.


Parent’s Corner

·     I can provide more supplemental materials to practice ABC’s, shapes, and numbers to those interested. Please let me know if you need more help.

Goodbye Ayi!

We are sad to say goodbye to our classroom ayi. She has been so helpful to our class in more ways than we can count! She is moving onto a new job and we are so glad to have her in our room.


What’s This?

In the past month, our class has started to be full of questions. We have been engaging in more pretend play as well at Morgan Rothschild Academy. While waiting to brush their teeth, YangYang, Lucas, Valentina, and Aston took the pop bottles that were filled with colored water and pretended to drink from them. Aston had apple juice while Lucas said he had “pizza juice” and then he laughed. It is so funny to our class to say that something is different than it actually is. Ms. Ashten will point to Shota and say, “Hello Gabriel!” and he will respond: “No I’m Shota!” So don’t be surprised if your children try to fool you.


Morgan Rothschild Important Dates

June 1-Children’s Day Carnival at MRA

June 10-Last day to sign up for Camp Frolic for discounted rate of 1600 RMB/week

June 17-Father’s Day

June 27-Nursery Graduation/Potluck

June 29-Last day of school year

July 2-First day of Camp Frolic

Morgan Rothschild Academy Parent Teacher Conferences

Thank you to all of the parents who attended the Morgan Rothschild Parent Teacher Conferences. I am so proud of all of my class advancing socially, academically, and linguistically. This has been a fun year and we have learned so much so far at MRA. One more month for school…unless YOU ENROLL YOUR CHILD TO OUR SUMMER ADVENTURE!

Come join the fun with Ms. Wynneth and Ms. Ashten as we take an adventure through our action packed Summer Camp Frolic!