Monday, November 5, 2012

Morgan Rothschild Academy Kindergarten Room News May 2012

Morgan Rothschild Academy Kindergarten Room News May 2012

At Morgan Rothschild Academy, this month has been very exciting and full of a lot of preparations for the Spring Concert! The children were so happy to share their hard work with family and friends. We are very proud of the Morgan Rothschild Academy, MRA Kindergarten class and all of their friends in other classes for their wonderful performances! Thank you for attending our special event

Apart from preparing for the final Morgan Rothschild Academy Concert, we also celebrated the Easter holiday together this April. The Kindergarten class and Preschool class came together to have an Easter egg hunt! Some eggs were difficult to find, while others were a little easier to look for. Our class was very helpful to the younger ones, and some of the Kindergarteners even found some eggs that were very well hidden long after the egg hunt had ended. We have some good, strong eyes in our class! The kids had a ton of fun!

Morgan Rothschild Academy, MRA also visited the zoo this past month, as well! Our kids were extremely excited about seeing all of their favorite animals and more. Some of the animals we saw were monkeys, tigers, and elephants. The children already knew some facts about the animals, but were pleased to learn even more by seeing them firsthand.

At Morgan Rothschild Academy, there has been a focus on reviewing sentence structure, which we have previously covered in our class. Part of our MRA curriculum has recently been about asking questions, and the Kindergarten class has caught on nicely. We have spent time working on correcting sentences that are wrong, and creating a question when it is necessary. They have also been able to remember which word is a noun, and which is an action word (verb) when looking at a sentence. We will continue to work with nouns and verbs. I will begin more review about plural and proper nouns, which we have also previously covered at school. The children have been doing very well with our review sessions and continue to learn the new content without much issue.

The children have been enjoying different phonics games we have been playing. One of the games we play is a phonics scavenger hunt, in which the kids search the room for different words that contain the sound we are studying that week. Once they find a few words, they must tell the class and we work on sound blending and reading these words, as well as their meanings. It is very amusing!

This month, we will continue with review and new content in all the subjects at Morgan Rothschild Academy. We have been reading many books about different homes and areas of the world. The kids are extremely interested in travel and learning about other cultures, which does not surprise me! I am making sure to use this interest as a focus, as we are all able to learn from each other and the many different places we come from and have been to in our lives.


Morgan Rothschild Academy Parent Teacher Conferences will take place between May 21-31. More information will be given soo