Monday, July 9, 2012

Morgan Rothschild Academy Nursery Room Newsletter May 2012

Happy Mother’s Day!

What’s New in Nursery

In our classroom this past month we have had a lot of interesting opportunities. Not only did we go to the Shanghai Zoo, have our annual Morgan Rothschild Academy Spring Concert, and had a visit from a pet rabbit, we learned many important tasks.

At Morgan Rothschild Academy, this past month we have really learned to be helpers in the classroom. We now can wash our hands almost independently, line up better, and also pass out forks and spoons at lunch time. Students like Valentina and Jules like to play teacher and help Ms. Ashten when we are doing lessons. Also we have learned how to help clean up after our work time. We are still working on how to solve problems between friends but every day is a new success at MRA.

Summer Camp at Morgan Rothschild Academy

If you are interested in enrolling your child in MRA Camp Frolic, our summer camp is from July 1st-August 24th, please let the school know before June 10th to get the discounted rate. I look forward to seeing your children this summer to have new experiences to remember.

Spring Concert

Thank you to all of the parents who came to our Annual Morgan Rothschild Spring Concert. The students worked very hard to learn the songs and the dance moves. I am very proud that this concert was much better than the last concert we had in the winter. It’s very hard for the student to see their parents and then to go back and sing more songs. Thank you again for support and I hope you enjoyed the performance.

Parent Teacher Conferences

Our final Morgan Rothschild Academy Parent Teacher Conference 2011-2012 will be at the end of this month. We will be sending out a notice as the time comes closer concerning the times available to meet with Ms. Ashten, Ms. Duan, and Ms. Xu together. The projected days for the meeting are May 21-31st. Be sure once the notice goes out to contact the school to reserve your time.

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is on May 13th and we will celebrate it during the week of May 7-11th

Without our moms, we wouldn’t be here and we thank you for everything that you do.

This Month’s Highlight

Ms. Ashten’s mom sent a box to our class!

Shanghai Zoo

On April 12th, 2012, Morgan Rothschild Academy visited the Shanghai Zoo. At first when we had a lesson about the zoo, the kids didn’t know what the zoo was until we went and now everywhere we go in the school is about what animals we see. Our students are fascinated by the way the animals eat and what their babies look like. In stories that include animals that we seen, students like Yangyang will say “Miss Ashten, this one is a lion” and Julian will tell me “Momma likes tigers.” We have been singing our “We went to the Zoo” and we pretend to point at animals all over. Recently we like to act like animals by crawling in the hallways like animals walk or growling like bears or jumping like a kangaroo.