Monday, December 10, 2012

Celebrate the Holidays at Morgan Rothschild

Dear Parents



It is here again! We are sure you know by now that Santa is coming to town. It is a time of sparkle and festive partying, and of the warm glow of family and friends. 

This holiday season, come and experience for yourself the incredible magic of our seventh annual Christmas and New Year Concert at Morgan Rothschild Academy.

We cordially invite your family and friends to come and celebrate this joyous holiday tradition with us. We will be having the concert on December 19th, 2012. The concert will start at 10:30 a.m. and ends around lunch time. The school will have an early dismissal at 12 o’clock.


This year we are going to have our concert at the Ballroom 1 of the prestigious Four Seasons Hotel again. The parking is RMB$ 50 per 3 hours. Please register with us if you will be driving to the hotel to obtain the discounted fare. Don’t miss this opportunity to see your child caroling and dancing in this fanfare! All the children and staff look forward to welcoming you at the concert.

Morgan Huang

Ed.M. Harvard University


Monday, November 5, 2012

Morgan Rothschild Academy Kindergarten Room News May 2012

Morgan Rothschild Academy Kindergarten Room News May 2012

At Morgan Rothschild Academy, this month has been very exciting and full of a lot of preparations for the Spring Concert! The children were so happy to share their hard work with family and friends. We are very proud of the Morgan Rothschild Academy, MRA Kindergarten class and all of their friends in other classes for their wonderful performances! Thank you for attending our special event

Apart from preparing for the final Morgan Rothschild Academy Concert, we also celebrated the Easter holiday together this April. The Kindergarten class and Preschool class came together to have an Easter egg hunt! Some eggs were difficult to find, while others were a little easier to look for. Our class was very helpful to the younger ones, and some of the Kindergarteners even found some eggs that were very well hidden long after the egg hunt had ended. We have some good, strong eyes in our class! The kids had a ton of fun!

Morgan Rothschild Academy, MRA also visited the zoo this past month, as well! Our kids were extremely excited about seeing all of their favorite animals and more. Some of the animals we saw were monkeys, tigers, and elephants. The children already knew some facts about the animals, but were pleased to learn even more by seeing them firsthand.

At Morgan Rothschild Academy, there has been a focus on reviewing sentence structure, which we have previously covered in our class. Part of our MRA curriculum has recently been about asking questions, and the Kindergarten class has caught on nicely. We have spent time working on correcting sentences that are wrong, and creating a question when it is necessary. They have also been able to remember which word is a noun, and which is an action word (verb) when looking at a sentence. We will continue to work with nouns and verbs. I will begin more review about plural and proper nouns, which we have also previously covered at school. The children have been doing very well with our review sessions and continue to learn the new content without much issue.

The children have been enjoying different phonics games we have been playing. One of the games we play is a phonics scavenger hunt, in which the kids search the room for different words that contain the sound we are studying that week. Once they find a few words, they must tell the class and we work on sound blending and reading these words, as well as their meanings. It is very amusing!

This month, we will continue with review and new content in all the subjects at Morgan Rothschild Academy. We have been reading many books about different homes and areas of the world. The kids are extremely interested in travel and learning about other cultures, which does not surprise me! I am making sure to use this interest as a focus, as we are all able to learn from each other and the many different places we come from and have been to in our lives.


Morgan Rothschild Academy Parent Teacher Conferences will take place between May 21-31. More information will be given soo

Monday, October 15, 2012

Morgan Rothschild Academy 2012 Kindergartener Graduates

Look! We are going to the First Grade!

Morgan Rothschild Academy 2012 Kindergartener Graduates

Dear Parents,

We are very excited to inform you that all of our 2012 Morgan Rothschild kindergarteners have entered their desired elementary schools in 2012-2013. Congratulations! Kindergarteners and your families have made us at Morgan Rothschild Academy so proud! Please see the attached table of the schools they entered.

As you may have noticed, entering prestigious elementary schools in Shanghai has become very competitive with the increasing population of students from all over China and the world.

This year, our students have passed rigorous entrance exams of Shanghai American School (SAS), Shanghai High School International Division (SHSID), Fudan-Vanke Primary School (FVPS), YK Pao School, International School of Beijing (ISB), Dulwich College, Shanghai United International School (SUIS), Shanghai Singapore International School(SISS), Soong Ching Ling School and Western International School of Shanghai (WISS).

For the parents of future graduates, please continue to help you children in following our Morgan Rothschild Academy program guidelines and doing home works to foster good habits. You will be rewarded tremendously in the years to come!


Morgan Huang

Ed.M. Harvard University


Morgan Rothschild Academy



Name of Elementary School

R. de Geyter

M. Yang

K. Yu


Fudan-Vanke Experimental Private School



K. Hosoe

(also accepted by Dulwich, FDV, SSIS)


International School of Beijing



A. Liao


Shanghai American School



T. Jing

(also accepted by YK Pao)

S. Xu


Shanghai High School International Division



A. Endo

A. Zheng


Shanghai Singapore International School



Y. Kawabata

E. Ma


Shanghai United International School




L. Van de Ven



Soong Ching Ling School



T. Leong

(also accepted by SAS)


Western International School of Shanghai



K. Mogi


Returning to Japan




Friday, September 28, 2012

Morgan Rothschild Academy Toddler Room Newsletter May 2012

Dear Toddler Room Families,


This was another busy month in the toddler room at Morgan Rothschild Academy...April flew right by!


The first exciting event at Morgan Rothschild from April was my parents visiting from America. They loved spending time with your children and they had so much fun getting to know them. The children enjoyed their visit as much as my parents did! (I think mostly be-cause of the chocolate they brought :)


We also had a great trip to the Shanghai Zoo! Everyone thought the animals were so cool and we even learned about some new ones. Thank you to all the parents who were able to come!


The most recent excitement we had was our Morgan Rothschild Academy Annual Spring Concert. The children practiced so hard and they really did a great job singing and dancing!


Not only did we do some great things, we also practiced some new things at MRA. We have been working on being good friends and solving problems with your friends. We have been encouraging the children to seek help when resolving problems instead of lashing out physically. We’ve been working very hard and making great progress.

The last note is a bit of sad one...April was Naoki’s last month at MRA. He is moving to Japan to go to school and be with his family. We will all miss him very much and we are sad to see him go!  April was a great month and I can’t wait to see what May will hold!

Morgan Rothschild Academy Reminder:

Our Spring Parent Teacher Conferences will be held the third and fourth week of May. We will send home a reminder with specific dates and ask for your preferred time slot!

*Mother’s Day—May 13th


Ms. Andrea

Monday, July 9, 2012

Morgan Rothschild Academy Nursery Room Newsletter May 2012

Happy Mother’s Day!

What’s New in Nursery

In our classroom this past month we have had a lot of interesting opportunities. Not only did we go to the Shanghai Zoo, have our annual Morgan Rothschild Academy Spring Concert, and had a visit from a pet rabbit, we learned many important tasks.

At Morgan Rothschild Academy, this past month we have really learned to be helpers in the classroom. We now can wash our hands almost independently, line up better, and also pass out forks and spoons at lunch time. Students like Valentina and Jules like to play teacher and help Ms. Ashten when we are doing lessons. Also we have learned how to help clean up after our work time. We are still working on how to solve problems between friends but every day is a new success at MRA.

Summer Camp at Morgan Rothschild Academy

If you are interested in enrolling your child in MRA Camp Frolic, our summer camp is from July 1st-August 24th, please let the school know before June 10th to get the discounted rate. I look forward to seeing your children this summer to have new experiences to remember.

Spring Concert

Thank you to all of the parents who came to our Annual Morgan Rothschild Spring Concert. The students worked very hard to learn the songs and the dance moves. I am very proud that this concert was much better than the last concert we had in the winter. It’s very hard for the student to see their parents and then to go back and sing more songs. Thank you again for support and I hope you enjoyed the performance.

Parent Teacher Conferences

Our final Morgan Rothschild Academy Parent Teacher Conference 2011-2012 will be at the end of this month. We will be sending out a notice as the time comes closer concerning the times available to meet with Ms. Ashten, Ms. Duan, and Ms. Xu together. The projected days for the meeting are May 21-31st. Be sure once the notice goes out to contact the school to reserve your time.

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is on May 13th and we will celebrate it during the week of May 7-11th

Without our moms, we wouldn’t be here and we thank you for everything that you do.

This Month’s Highlight

Ms. Ashten’s mom sent a box to our class!

Shanghai Zoo

On April 12th, 2012, Morgan Rothschild Academy visited the Shanghai Zoo. At first when we had a lesson about the zoo, the kids didn’t know what the zoo was until we went and now everywhere we go in the school is about what animals we see. Our students are fascinated by the way the animals eat and what their babies look like. In stories that include animals that we seen, students like Yangyang will say “Miss Ashten, this one is a lion” and Julian will tell me “Momma likes tigers.” We have been singing our “We went to the Zoo” and we pretend to point at animals all over. Recently we like to act like animals by crawling in the hallways like animals walk or growling like bears or jumping like a kangaroo.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Morgan Rothschild Academy Parent's Feedback 2012

  ‘Personality comes first.’ This is the first word which Mr. Morgan from Morgan Rothschild Academy told us. Without firm self esteem, children cannot have any achievement. To get back my son’s self esteem which he lost with the sad experience at his former kindergarten, Morgan Rothschild Academy, MRA gave us the opportunity to work together on this matter. ‘Please come to MRA anytime. Please observe how you kid behaves and how we educate them.’ This is the remark of Mr. Morgan. We can read our son’s daily life at MRA with the progress report. There was always open communication line for questions by teachers. My son was getting back his self esteem and starting to challenge new things. MRA has the guided reading system, which Parents and children read books together and have discussion. Also, at MRA, children are exposed to widely ranged books. Due to these systems, my son showed great progress in his study, he entered his desirable primary school. MRA is all about Mr. Morgan’s passion towards High Scope education. Under the educational policy which cultivates the whole child for children’s future happiness, my son can have the foundation of ‘happy life’. Thank you, Morgan Rothschild Academy, MRA!

~From Kunuga's Mom.
 Kunuga graduated in 2012 and is now accepted by the International School of Beijing  
‘Personality comes first.’ それが校長先生Morgan Rothschild Academyに最初に言われた言葉でした。自己肯定力がなければどんなに努力しても報われない。前の幼稚園での辛い経験が原因で無くしてしまった息子の自己肯定力を取り戻すために園と親が一体になっての「共同作業」が始まりました。「園にはいつでも来てください。子供の様子、そして私達の教育方法を自分の目で確かめてください。」それが校長先生の口癖でした。息子の毎日の様子が書かれた日誌。疑問や悩みにはいつでも時間を取って答えてくれる先生達の丁寧さ。息子は徐々に自己肯定力を取り戻し、物事に果敢にチャレンジするようになりました。園ではガイド・リーディング(親子一緒に本を読んで内容について話し合う)を始め、子供たちが多種多様な本に触れる機会を多く与えてくれています。学習面でも相当の進歩を見せ、息子は希望通りの小学校に合格することができました。校長先生の早期教育への情熱、それがこの幼稚園のすべてです。子供の10年後、20年後の幸せを考えての人格形成を重要視した教育方針のもとに息子は幸せな人生に必要な「土台」を築くことができました。ありがとう、Morgan Rothschild Academy, MRA!

~2012年卒業 細江 陸(くぬが)の母

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Note from Morgan Rothschild Academy German Intern 2012

Hello.  My name is Clarissa N. I´m 20 years old and I grew up in Germany. In the last four month I passed an internship at Morgan Rothschild Academy and I would like to tell you about my experience I made.

I came to Shanghai in August after graduating from high school. I knew Shanghai from further vacations which I took here in Shanghai but I wanted to stay a longer time, longer than two weeks at least ;-)  That is why I started to look for Internship with a social background because this was what I wanted to do after graduating from high school: To get involved with a social project associate with living in Shanghai. I researched a lot and found the Morgan Rothschild Academy on the Internet. It attracted attention to me because of the professional and friendly appearance. I was very happy when Morgan offered me an Internship that I could start directly after my graduation.

I had a great time. Not only because the children made me smile every day but also because of the harmonic contact with my colleagues at work. Me as a German intern had even the chance to work not only with English speaking children but also with German kids. This was always a lot of fun for me and also a little helpful for not being homesick ;-)

What I really appreciated was the size of the school. Morgan Rothschild Academy has a well-arranged number of students which gave me and the other teachers the opportunity to relate a personal relationship to every child. I also appreciated the different nationalities which get together in the academy (from Japanese children to German or Belgian children). That’s why you can be sure to hear a happy mix of languages when you enter the school.  It gives the school a special and unique atmosphere. I remember being so impressed during my first weeks here. Some of the children in the school growing up with three languages and they doing so well!  

My personal job in the last month was it to be an assistant for the English and Chinese teachers and help whenever I could. My job was never boring. From supervising the children up to helping with art projects or preparations for the Christmas concert. That was my little highlight during my Internship. I really enjoyed practicing the songs and the dance with the children; it was a lot of fun! Next to this we had to make costumes for our kids. Our kids were dressed as little Santa clauses and they did a great job performing “Santa Claus is coming to town”. We were so proud of them and the Christmas Concert was a complete success. It was definitely one of my highlights at work.

I had another great moment with the kids. I used to sing a German song to them, even if I knew nobody understood. One day they started, out of the sudden, to sing the song to me J  I was so proud of them and it was so cute listening to them. It wasn´t real German, but that made everything even more adorable ;-)

I am very sad that my time at Morgan Rothschild Academy is over now. I really learned a lot about dealing with children, teaching and I really appreciated to discover the Chinese culture in a new way. I enjoyed every day of my time in Shanghai and I will miss Shanghai and the children a lot.

I would like to recommend the Morgan Rothschild Academy warmly to you. Your child will be treated very well and all of the teachers are really interested in your child feeling comfortable.

I can only repeat it: I will miss my work a lot and I am very grateful for my time at Morgan Rothschild Academy.

Clarissa N.

Im August 2011 startete ich, Clarissa 20 Jahre alt, aus Hannover – Deutschland, mein Praktikum in der Morgan Rothschild Academy.
Nach meinem Abitur wollte ich mich sozial engagieren sowie unbedingt für eine längere Zeit in Shanghai verbringen. Ich kannte die Stadt schon von mehreren Urlauben umso größer war mein Wunsche einmal für länger als nur 2 Wochen hier zu sein. Meine Arbeitsstelle war schnell gefunden. Durch Recherche im Internet stoß ich auf die Morgan Rothschild Academy, die mir besonders wegen ihres professionellen und freundlichen Internet Auftritt gleich ins Auge fiel. Umso glücklicher war ich als mir ein Praktikumsplatz angeboten wurde den ich gleich nach dem Abitur in Anspruch nehmen konnte. So absolvierte ich dort ein viermonatiges Praktikum welches mir großen Spaß machte. Dies lag nicht nur an dem harmonischen Umgang mit meinen Arbeitskollegen, nein besonders die Kinder haben mir jeden Tag aufs Neue großen Spaß bereitet. Ich als Deutsche, hatte die Chance neben den vielen Englisch sprechenden Kindern auch mit deutschen Kindern dort zu arbeiten, was mir besonders viel Freude gebracht hat J Besonders gefallen hat mir die Größe der Schule. Da die Schule eine übersichtliche Anzahl von Schülern hat, lernt man fast jedes Kind persönlich kennen und kann dadurch eine gute und intensive Beziehung aufbauen. Auch die verschiedenen Nationalitäten die dort aufeinander treffen (von Amerikanern, über Japaner, über Belgier bis hin zu Deutschen…) machen diese Schule besonders und geben dem allem eine einmalige Atmosphäre.
Meine persönliche Aufgabe lag vor allem im assistieren von den dort unterrichtenden amerikanischen sowie chinesischen Lehrern. Es gab immer eine Menge zu tun. Sowohl Aufsicht der Kinder, als auch praktische Hilfen wie z.B. Hilfe beim Kunst Projekt. Auch konnte ich Eltern helfen, deren Kinder Deutsch als zweite Muttersprache lernen. So habe ich vermehrt mit ihnen Deutsch geredet und gelesen.  Besonders die langen und intensiven Proben für das Weihnachtskonzert haben mir großen Spaß gemacht. Neben einstudieren von Liedern und den passenden Tänzen mussten auch noch Kostüme entworfen und gestaltet werden! J Es war eine tolle Arbeit die vor allem auch den Kindern enormen Spaß gemacht hat.
Besonders erfreut hat mich hier ein Moment mit den Kindern. Ich habe ihnen immer wieder zwischendurch ein Deutsches Lied vorgesungen, obwohl ich eigentlich felsenfest überzeugt war das kaum jemand zuhört. An meinen letzen Tagen kamen dann die Kinder zu mir und haben tatsächlich das Lied vorgesungen. Es war zwar kein richtiges Deutsch, aber umso süßer war es ihnen zuzuhören J
Meine Zeit in der Morgan Rothschild Academy ist nun leider vorbei, da mich die Universität ruft ;-) Ich habe hier sehr viel gelernt im Umgang mit den Kindern aber vor allem habe ich die chinesische Kultur noch einmal ganz anders entdeckt. Auch das Leben hier in Shanghai habe ich in vollen Zügen genossen und bin sehr traurig das meine Zeit nun zu Ende ist.
Ich würde Ihnen die Academy gerne für ihr Kind ans Herz legen, sei es ein Platz in der Kinderkrippe, oder im Kindergarten… Ihr Kind wird hervorragend betreut und wird schon im jungen Alter entsprechend gefördert.
Liebe Grüße
Clarissa N.